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Cloudy podyshka

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Everything posted by Cloudy podyshka

  1. Don't worry if you write down the character I'll be there (most likely)
  2. Then the character who changes his "Stances" is more appropriate here. Something like the Druid from WoW.
  3. Ну не нужно сравнивать Гадкого Утенка Варспира и нового персонажа, которого я предпологаю Гринды хотят продвигать вперед, что бы его качало\точило больше людей. А серые новые способности не стимулируют качать Вождя.
  4. I think it's not worth choosing chieftain, because this is already a symbiosis of classes on the bright side. Maybe the Elves will be given a Barbarian + Death Knight = a Fighter who could deal damage and tank. But what you suggested for the undead I liked. Maybe they'll be given a Ranger + BD who will carry dual crossbows.
  5. I noticed (although it is already written lol) that the new classes are a symbiosis of 2 classes. Maybe the elves will be added the Bard class? Something between a Ranger who buffs but doesn't heal.
  6. Давать просто стат слишком серо для способности.
  7. Вот это я понимаю контент мейкер. Самое то до анонса Балага посидеть на форуме
  8. А за что Змеймага выжили? Прописали ему бан или он просто решил перестать?
  9. Ходили конечно шутки, что страж это чучело, но воспринимать это буквально.
  10. These are my thoughts when I saw a new passive new, and not a skill for a paladin in physical assembly. Ha-ha classic. upd: I already wrote this in the Death Knight topic, about skills that scale not from physical / magician protection, but from other stats (in our case, health), they are much more difficult to balance, because they have minimal impact on a poorly dressed character, but on a character dressed in the best, they exert too much influence. As a result, the skill is nerfed, but it's worse for everyone. As an example, I can cite a warden who has a nerfed master block in every update.
  11. Since we decided to raise the problem that it is impossible to impose it on ourselves, I saw messages about what a big shield with 10k durability. But do not forget that all the shields in the game are "glass", they receive pure damage and can break in a matter of seconds, if you have an equally good opponent (pvp)
  12. Забалансили магов перед выпуском нового коста, получается
  13. Если без шуток, костюм механического динозавра был бы прикольным.
  14. Если в обновлении Балагана не понерфят стража, вот это будет необычное обновление.
  15. А у гейм дизайнеров нет мысли разрешить Чармеру и Монку носить копья как оружие?
  16. More likely a root, but it's only 0.5 so that you can run away or, on the contrary, catch up with your target. Writing just stan is too ... obvious? If the target is stunned, it cannot stop you in any way, cannot escape with its ability, or anything else. But the slowdown is what is needed (IMHO) so that he could realize his damage (magical damage) from abilities while being close to the enemy.
  17. Skill type: passive. Cooldown: 7 seconds. When you use the skill, all enemies within a 2 cells radius around you are slowed down. Level 1: Slow 90% for 0.5 seconds. Level 2: Slow 80% for 1 second. Level 3: Slow 70% for 2 seconds. Level 4: Slow 60% for 3 seconds. This is just an opportunity to give the character soft crowd control, and not another stun..
  18. Хилка Халида, напомнила мне Хилку Зул'Джина из Hots. Главное, что бы идеи из MOBA игр адаптировали для Варспы. Круговорот идей в природе
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