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Everything posted by r0land

  1. ну что-то его побед в конкурсах я не вижу. А по персам все просто: нет доказательств - нет разговора.
  2. да хоть 100, во-первых, айпи никто не отменял, во-вторых, сильно сомневаюсь, что появится гений такого уровня, который с четырех рук у вас все победные места заберет.
  3. а они не люди, что ли? Человек увидел объявление о конкурсе, создал форумный аккаунт и поучаствовал. Звучит легально.
  4. по дефолту английское все, русского перевода добавленные элементы действительно не касаются.
  5. потому что нет перевода, например. Перевод здесь не из коробки, а добавленный извне.
  6. вам, вроде бы, дали ответ уже, разве нет? В поддержку никто вас не отправляет, а русским по белому пишут, что работа над исправлением ведется. Ведется - это означает, что процесс идет, клиентский программист работает над этим. При всем диком многообразии устройств и клавиатурного софта для дроида эта работа ЗАТРУДНЕНА, но когда-то обязательно разрешится.
  7. yeah, we couldn't find this stuff in our templates, but I'll investigate
  8. but maybe this color is annoying or something, so you're free to suggest any other option
  9. You can suggest your color if blue isn't cool enough, we've chosen this color to match forum top block.
  10. Hi there! Please, provide a nickname of your character and some information about server you're playing on.
  11. ну вы требуете невозможного, там той пернатости на два пикселя в стороны, к чему такие тонкости, когда надо обозначить птичьи ноги?
  12. Я вам подкину картинок, а вы поделитесь, как можно в пиксель арте такого масштаба сделать иначе: Так уж вышло, что у птиц конечности ПОХОЖИ, но если вам там на перле петухи везде мерещатся, то это, как минимум, смешно
  13. cool story (why not to contact our support team to learn the real reason?) it matters in our world. Wargaming was twice as big from the beginning with more simple concept (one platform, battle arena with several players etc.) But we have our plan like they do. They wanted their game about tanks, not another stupid fantasy or moba, but real tanks. It worked. The same with Obsidian, they are making tru oldschool single player RPGs, not very popular choice during the age of Witcher and Dark Souls, but they still do their way. Our plan is working too, despite every time there's a player trying to prove different. It's just important to adapt to our plan, it's not impossible.
  14. that's simply not true. But there are community words wishing us dying every time they don't like something. I'm really glad, that we have much more cool and awesome guys than those deathwishers. These guys know, that we are open for any discussion regarding our game.
  15. hearing this story about dying for about 4 years now, ok, we got it
  16. oh, ok, the biggest and the richest company in former USSR to compare with a small regional developer. Good point!
  17. oh, sorry, I was just talking about the opening post. Your point about marketing research is totally taken, it's still hard to organize our playing audience to get the mentioned data, it would be very interesting. Our analytics is based on certain statistics, but your point is so much bigger from my perspective, but not to be discussed in this topic
  18. but this post is actually a piece of nostalgia. It's impossible to make something that will be appreciated be every player without exception. It's also impossible to follow ALL the players' suggestions, like it's impossible to write a book and make a movie based just on some opinions on the Internet. We're authors and creators, we're designers and programmers, we have our vision too, don't forger about it. And we make a lot changes to our game after forum discussions, but content production is not the same thing. You have your right to dislike (or even hate) our content, but it doesn't make this content bad, that's my point. We made this mentioned late-game content really difficult, because it's meant to be for high-level players. And what I see in this post? THIS IS STUPID THIS IS BAD EVERYTHING IS WAS COOL A LOOONG TIME AGO PEPPERIDGE FARM REMEMBERS. It's not serious, it's just whining. Every piece of criticism should be followed by some constructive amendments, alternative suggestions and ideas. I can see nothing of this in the post, that's why I call it whining.
  19. Good old nostalgia whining, pleasure for my eyes, just like always.
  20. Назовите тему нормально, пожалуйста. И, конечно, к предложениям она никакого отношения не имеет.
  21. для этого достаточно просто скачать и установить клиент из маркета Google Play
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