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Everything posted by Bladesharp

  1. i am are swagarhero from the themercer guild. My is support this name change so mi chilled's mothar come bacc to make rotis for my. Bit*c shamn Buuuuush leader shitturds guild took her from my coz he big pp dmg n me are smol pp. But now daddy Counter is bacc n i kiil evryone with one press button
  2. Hello my name are swagarhero from the themercer guild. Im Indian from india, pls my forgiv englis. Why are nerf bd again i ask? i was kiil evryone with counter attack with one press button but not can now. why!?? Mc becom more n more stronk evry updat but bd make gay. I was not can kill mc now so now mi wife left. she say she will make mc char and marri a shaman coz they big dmg heal. She say my pp smol coz me not can rush 7 yrds like before. My guild stealing my leader rank and give to chinese becaus more dmg than me. Again u ask for nerf bd. Where is justice in game? Gm pls u are make bd moar gay every update mc kill me 1 hit. Pls help.
  3. Yes hot in a sense that it will continue when our sun turns into a gas giant and wipe the life as we know it off of this Earth. Then we'll finally have the start of Stage 2
  4. Thanks I was losing my patience with every breath. When will Zeus complete his guide I asked myself as I refreshed this forum page every hour.
  5. Better than that hack's guide
  6. Good good, but is it better than that sexy moustached hunk's guide? I don't know
  7. Devs are making sure there's no competition to Skylore hence are killing this game
  8. I'll take it you're my friend now. One more mod friend added to the list. I can feel elm costume dropping soon in my bag.
  9. Bro so true. That Pala Gladiator from Themercs also has a seals map in game to suit his gameplay. Recently devs gave him mcoins for free for some story and shit. I ask devs why this partiality. He made topic on fetter and devs saw his topic and made fettter stun.I think pala Gladiator from Themarcs is hassn from EU. I know they're from same country as well coz im is spy in themercers hahah but they not know coz mi pro. Like WHERE JUSTICE I ASK? And while we're on the topic of justice. I have 3 mod friends but higgins is notmy friends. Still i have no elm costume. Like wtf? How many more mods do i have to annoy before i get free elm costume?
  10. Yeah 8 minute warning totally is fair and justified when you're farming a raid boss or in middle of a potted spam with other players
  11. I bet they are not even moderators. I bet they are warspear developers who can increase/decrease drop rates and ban people as they please. But why haven't they banned multi-loggers from rival guilds I wonder?
  12. Do you even know how hard it was for me to get them to remove me from their ignore list? I mean I did constantly spammed, begging them to add me in their friend's list but still. Actually now that I think think about it, they probably removed me from the friendlist right after they added me.
  13. So being friends with moderators won't get me free stuff from devs?
  14. I know right? I too was standing at T1, hoping for elm to magically appear in my bag and it didn't. What the hell devs? Where's my elm costume even though I'm friends with 3 moderators?
  15. In-game relic icon had defense signs on them. I'm assuming one relic reduces physical defense of the enemy and the other relic reduces magic defense. Is that not the case?
  16. Does the drop rate for an individual joining a party decreases or does it remain same irrespective of the number of members in the party?
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