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LethalHitmaster's Achievements

Rookie I

Rookie I (1/27)



  1. Ingles Hi posting this message to find out that the two powers him down the warlock and the other not ... that the entangling power rots druid uploaded last long and when you gonna throw it back to power and the power ranger archer blessing always pulls many arrows and kill you in two shots .. and will go down in total to mc: the rogue the delay, to the expansive eartquaqe shaman, warlock and 3 now powers life will go down the exhaust dark circle and fear ... you are just down the mc ... and I want to explain why you drop the stats to powers? sincerely thank axel .. I expect an answer :( Español Hola posteo este mensaje para saber por que le bajaron los 2 poderes al warlock y a los otros no... por que el druid el poder entangling rots subido dura mucho tiempo y cuando se te va te lo vuelve a tirar al poder y el archer el poder ranger blessing siempre tira muchas flechas y te mata de dos golpes.. ya le van bajando en total a los mc: al rogue el delay,al shaman el expansivo de eartquaqe, ahora el warlock ya 3 poderes le van bajando el life exhaust dark circle y fear... solo le estan bajando a los mc... y quiero que me explican por que le bajan los stats a los poderes?? gracias atentamente axel.. espero una respuesta
  2. http://gyazo.com/252c4d4a8cc31fd6c1bf90230168375c :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :clapping: Disculpenme por la calidad solo queria mostrarles.. Gracias por ver.. Att lokillo :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: http://gyazo.com/6fa7293dc6ad25b265ced22234279b32 :mega_shok: :mega_shok: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  3. Maraksha english hello arme returned to tell that on Sunday 27 at 20:00 we met at t5 to put together a couple of party and kill maraksha are welcome all who need help and those who want to kill them .. nomas good was that hopefully can help ... lokillo name my pj greetings to all and thank you very much for looking ... castellano hola arme devuelta para decirles que el dia domingo 27 a las 20:00 nos juntamos en t5 para armar un par de party y matar a maraksha estan bienvenidos todos los que necesiten y los que quieran ayudar a matarlos.. bueno era eso nomas ojala que puedan ayudar... nombre de mi pj lokillo saludos a todos y muchas gracias por mirar...
  4. español hola dejo este mensaje para ver cuando nos podesmos juntar todos los que necesiten la quest de six shadown para poder hacerla en grupo necesitamos minimo partys con 6 healer o mas la party va a ser armada en tower 5..nos juntaremos todos e idearemos un plan para no morir queria decirles que esto se llevara a cabo el dia 19 domingo a la noche estaremos planificando todo armando party por favor conectense si la necesitan el nombre de mi personaje es lokillo gracias atentamente axel english hello leave this message to see when we all gather podesmos need the quest to make it six shadown need minimum group healer partys with 6 or more the party will be armed tower 5 .. we will gather all e idearemos a plan I wanted to tell them not to die this will be held on the 19th Sunday night we all arming party planning please conectense if they need the name of my character is lokillo sincerely thank axel
  5. admin send two messages today for 220 coin miracle wcoin2 this account for and I do not get any cell phone number is Argentina was setting me problems because I did not get anything and I forget is a digit in the account not if you can give me the 440 coin miracle .. wcoin2 got me wanting for putting on 7 if I can return it would be nice thank you very much was my mistake but pay the $ 20 Argentine hopefully it back as I return my thanks lokillo account
  6. 1- rogue 2-ranger 3-bladedancer 4-warlock 5-shaman 6-druid 7-deathking 8-barbarian 9-priest 10-paladin 11-others
  7. where the ticket costs? I want my forum account but says I can not give my msn id or phone no .. You could connect a msn and tell me what time I log on to speak well well I hope your answer .. thanks
  8. hello I need to get an account but do not remember the id that does not register to any agreement msn only character I named the server saphire lokillo nose if I can return it but the only thing I want is for me the id and pass new Password I lost long ago i started playing the game since it started .. please thanks ...and so you know it's mine has a black suit with gourd head
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