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lore got a reaction from Drakoslayd in [2024.04.24] In Development: Arena Update. Part II
being honest i would see it fit as an alternative mode you can opt in if you want faster queues/need more practice before pitting aiganist real players, if they wont give us more opportunities in form of daily quests but i dont really see it happening. but sounds nice if it takes in account the overall power of the players in the match since amplification can ever so slightly tip the scales in favor of the other
lore got a reaction from Drakoslayd in [2023.12.25] Arinar must know his Heroes: rewarding community members 2023
omg this year was a trainwreck for me,
thanks for the admins to take their time in the holydays to pass over the rewards due to my late response
if anyone has any question about the game, im here... not always anymore, but im here
lore got a reaction from Drakoslayd in [2023.12.13] Update Warspear Online 12.2. Announcement. Part I
i stop completly playing for a month and THIS happens to barb????
with talents barb can become a full on wall, not realease update warden but still a darn wall.
this requires testing and me actually playing enough to up the talents.....
lore got a reaction from Anim in [2023.09.23] Update Warspear Online 12.0: Rise of Almahad. Announcement
i got bored afther a while of not feeling any challenge in the dungeons i did, also stuff happen that drove me off the game
lore got a reaction from Drakoslayd in [2023.09.23] Update Warspear Online 12.0: Rise of Almahad. Announcement
i got bored afther a while of not feeling any challenge in the dungeons i did, also stuff happen that drove me off the game
lore got a reaction from wolfdragon99 in [2022.07.29] In developing: Almahad, the Isle of Chainless League. Part I
something else they can also do is add some lower rarity gear (one lower than the dungeon's rarity in this moment max) with higher droprates
lore got a reaction from wolfdragon99 in Heroic armor sets and where to find them (Jcbreff, Eu-Emerald)
i think it would be nicer if there is an small intro along an why u might want the said armors
lore reacted to Fabr in BD shield talent adjustment request
Squishy classes die easily not only to bladedancer but also to any dmg class. I know everyone complains a lot about bd but the strong point of the class is precisely direct combat, making a video showing how your group support class like shaman dies easily for a dmg class doesn't make the class unbalanced, it's just how the game works . Instead of facing him 1v1 with a shaman, it should be better to use a barb, as he can withstand hits from the bd with his stone skin while attacking at full speed, and yet his weakness to multiple attackers is almost nonexistent in a 2v2 arena since there are only 2 players. Physical Chieftain can easily kill weaker classes even faster than BD, combine this with a barb rushing and stunning the target and you'll see how everything gets easier.
If you look at the 1vs1 side, bd is really an unfair fight, unless you use a class that can counter it, but it's the same thing as a 1vs1 against a rogue, charmer, lock, pala, chieftain, druid , depending on your class you just can't win.
lore got a reaction from Overhoul in [2023.05.30] Update Warspear Online 11.4. Announcement. Part 1
im not a dk, a barb, and yes the deathknight's were the best tank option.
but things have changed
in pve:
- the new endgame sectors have enemies based on hitting more like a truck than having a ton of hits with hordes of mobs (the deathknight's specialty) which was already undermined with the overall boost enemies got since the third sector, making barb (which is good at eating few but big hits) get on top, and we're talking easly solo the bosses whiteout needing extremely strong gear, while the deathknights gets their darkshield completely countered due to it being a flat dmg red. which scales in way to get rid of minor damage.
- barb getting the ability to recover stoneskin with block, at first it had no cooldown making them straight up outclass deathknights in any pve tanking aspect, limiting them to only really shine in AOE dps(?)
- as it stands now we're still in a case where the deathknight stil gets countered in pve scenarios and even with the help of blood protection which is still kinda mediocre
in pvp:
- ill be honest, i dont play pvp almost at all but i think everyone else can explain it to you
and also this update will make it for some intresting builds around hp regen or have a supportive role in the party rather than being completely selfish
on the other hand
how do you feel about barb and paladin reaching new levels of high hp builds?
lore reacted to Agility in [2023.05.30] Update Warspear Online 11.4. Announcement. Part 1
I would like to make one genuine request to the Devs. Please make knowledge grinding easier:
Perhaps raising the limit of daily knowledge from quests and dungeons permanently. Maybe it is also time to remove the daily quest stack limit of 50, not infinite but possibly reasonable number like 75-100. Maybe add more daily quests (return of some of the removed ones, and some original new ones?)
For all players:
lore got a reaction from Occult in [2023.05.30] Update Warspear Online 11.4. Announcement. Part 1
how about more mana?
but yeah as it works for not it can easly be missed out, it could be better to be something that does not require an item to work
lore got a reaction from Agility in [2023.05.30] Update Warspear Online 11.4. Announcement. Part 1
let em get love atleast once.
lore reacted to hugomedeiroswg in BUFF BEASTMASTER
(sorry for translation errors) Hi, my name is Hugo, I came here to suggest improvements for the Beastnaster class, which is currently a very weak class for players and combat creatures.
As there is a class on the legion side that summons 3 dogs + a bird, I suggest that the Beastmaster also has one more helper, which would be a "monkey with wings". He would attack with area damage and also area heal, thus helping the whole group to reach the objective.
lore got a reaction from Shadowmon in [2023.05.25] We are accepting applications for closed testing of update 11.4
best of luck to the applicants, i will wait for when the update to release to check it out
lore got a reaction from Today in Help!Myth tree 7mins speedrun achievement
on which side do you play? depending on which one there different tattics that can help you ge across it
(in general use some minimal cc to rush across mobs and have a full on single target dps party if possible)
lore reacted to Raislin in Templar doesn't need a nerf
Thats a druid thing. No reason to have 2 skills that are the same. Although I guess druids is instant and flow kinda sits there but still.
lore got a reaction from Shadowmon in Power of the earth rework suggestion
i think the skill duration over the cooldown at max level is to allow to cycle the buff like the armor deffense boost does, which can be fine if the health boost is propely tuned, the problem is being how much more capable how living the affected people be.
but i will give off my personal idea which is rather than having the hp increase as a main course have the hp regen being boosted up
toning down the hp boost to 15% at max level but giving off 30% more hp regen along with decreasing the tick distance between each regen by 40% (making it 3secs/tick) making it only that builds which includes hp regen in their kits to gain a true value out of it (making it an extra hp regen source like the passive heal, take in account by the skill alone on a tank with a lil hp regen in their kit can take it to 220hp/3sec not taking in account additional boosts) with the deathknight having the best combo with secret reserve which would turn it into an extra life.
but it has 2 problems
1. pvp strenght (most 2v2, phoenix dk combo)
2. no pve content that would require that much healing boost (not even raidbosses are being threathening anymore)
but it can work as an alternative to the healing totem in exchange of effective area and being single target and working as a second passive heal buff.
remember that there a limited amount of skillpoints and therefore the skill will require something else to be taken down.
lore got a reaction from Venk in Power of the earth rework suggestion
i think the skill duration over the cooldown at max level is to allow to cycle the buff like the armor deffense boost does, which can be fine if the health boost is propely tuned, the problem is being how much more capable how living the affected people be.
but i will give off my personal idea which is rather than having the hp increase as a main course have the hp regen being boosted up
toning down the hp boost to 15% at max level but giving off 30% more hp regen along with decreasing the tick distance between each regen by 40% (making it 3secs/tick) making it only that builds which includes hp regen in their kits to gain a true value out of it (making it an extra hp regen source like the passive heal, take in account by the skill alone on a tank with a lil hp regen in their kit can take it to 220hp/3sec not taking in account additional boosts) with the deathknight having the best combo with secret reserve which would turn it into an extra life.
but it has 2 problems
1. pvp strenght (most 2v2, phoenix dk combo)
2. no pve content that would require that much healing boost (not even raidbosses are being threathening anymore)
but it can work as an alternative to the healing totem in exchange of effective area and being single target and working as a second passive heal buff.
remember that there a limited amount of skillpoints and therefore the skill will require something else to be taken down.
lore got a reaction from Shadowmon in [2022.07.29] In developing: Almahad, the Isle of Chainless League. Part I
something else they can also do is add some lower rarity gear (one lower than the dungeon's rarity in this moment max) with higher droprates
lore reacted to Zurp in Add crouching to the game
I think it's finally time to add crouching to the game. I feel like it's essential to any multiplayer game.
lore got a reaction from Bromancé in [2023.03.21] Important changes
there 4 in the gif.....
but still displays the problem and frustation of it
lore reacted to Legix in Passive indicator icon
Take, for example, the passive of the barbarian "last wish":
The moment the passive is active, and it is on cooldown, nothing will appear:
However, when the passive's cd time is over, and it is ready to be activated again, an indicative icon would appear next to the character's status bar:
lore reacted to Raislin in [2023.02.17] Shall we have a carnival? The famous Carnival in Arinar!
There's plenty of maces without magic damage anyway. If you want 5% auto damage with one then you are out of luck, but there's the upgraded one with double pene and 2.5% auto dmg.
lore reacted to Vinagre in COMBAT KIT + SEASON 14
same thing if you lose an event? you wont get points for the new talent? that how the game works, if you don't play it you wont progress?
the idea behind is to make the season more attractive, to really give you a decent upgrade within it.
a big part of the economy is around those books, if you have the money and reach 15, you might just stop buying em, and that's bad, prices might drop since you cant really use all at the same time... but if you give extra slots, people might go for new ones more often
lore got a reaction from AntraxXL in Damage to Characters
8k physical defense is about 55% damage reduction towards melee damage (not taking in account the penetration) while 60% resilience is a flat 60% reduction towards any player's attack + basically disabling any rng critical hits recived by them.
case 1:
the 30% penetration takes the damage reduction to a 25% and the 50% ferocity increases the what i will call damage potential (highest damage in one possible hit) for the auto attack to a player to 1575 and the 2.5% attack strenght increases it to about 1614 (this value as been rounded by defect), so going aiganist a deffense of 25% and a 60% resilience it will deal about 484 damage towards the player no matter the deffense priority.
case 2:
while in this case we get an 1650 damage potential and the enemy defense gets decreased to 32% due to the lower penetration making it a 448 (rounded by defect) damage onto the enemy player on a auto attack
ps. in terms of skills, thats too many numbers for me to run and also i am at school writing this, but i hope this info will help you