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Posts posted by mrDramma

  1. Hello there i want to suggest u add to game PSC - Pay Safe Card payment in payment methods. It would help some peoples to get mc. Some ppls can use only sms payments which are expensive soo please try add this payment .

  2. Would be nice to get new servers for players useing english language. Russian ppls already have 3 ru servers + sa pearl is also dominated by russian ppls.. we got only 2 us saphire and emerald.. emerald is under dictature of Hassn soo only saphire is nice to play atm. Pls guys do us favour and make new EU or US server... eventualy it can be PL server for players from Poland :D thanks for reading . Hope u enjoy it.

  3. Hello. I have problem. Few days ago Noobiline told some bad word about some  rase. I told to him that he is nazist. And i got ban for chat... Guys why me? I didnt do anythink wrong. But ok , fine... Just tell me for how long is that ban? pls i need back my chat . Answer me , how long my acc will be banned . My chars u see near my post so u should know acc about im talking. :((((

  4. witam wszystkich. (zwlaszcza mc i forseken :P) kilka dni temu gracz Noobiline/Doberman pisal rasistowskie teksty na czarnych i zydow. Wtedy chcialem go uciszyc i napisalem tekst w stylu ,,j***ny nazista" . Dzisiaj logam i widze... ban na chat. Nie moge nic pisac w grze (nwm na jak dlugo bo nikt mnie o tym nie poinformowal). Gdyby ktos cos odemnie chcial to niezlosccie sie jak nieodpisze. Chcialbym jeszcze o cos prosic , jesli jakis goral to przeczyta to prosze poinformowac Stargazers . Powiedzcie mu ze jak chce sie skontaktowac niech mi napisze nr tel . Z gory wielkie THX.

  5. Witam wszystkich

    Jakis czas temu wpadl mi do glowy pomysl. W zwiazku ze w ws jest naprawde wielu polakow chcialbym zaproponowac rozpoczecie sie staran o utworzenie polskiego serwera. Na poczatek pytanie , czy jest ktos za tym?

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