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Everything posted by Spaceman

  1. Hello, There is nothing wrong with the post count, everytime u post go to diffrent things like post in tavern then go to support, try stuff like that. Sincerely Neromage
  2. Thank you cherry :yahoo:, u made this thread a lot better with the approvement that u did, thanks beautifull!! O:-)
  3. Best crossing shamans is spanish and jayythugg and hornig Best crossing rouges is crossfit and sulla Best crossing druid is breakout or knox Best crossing warlock is tocino aka sulla or knoxs or brox and tilltheend Best crossing mages is neromage and dadinho and xlovelyx Best crossing ranger is jaythug Best crossing BD is zethu Best crossing DK is vanityx Haven't really seen anyone else cross with other charecters except these. Anyone else who wanna put up a list just comment 8)
  4. I would go with mage, my mage hits a 1.2k crit with fireball and he's a lvl 17, teleport hits almost a 900 crit and shatter hits like a 750. Mages are op with damages. Don't get me wrong warlocks are very strong to with there fear and cirlces, if u know how to use mage u will smash any warlock, trust me 8)
  5. I tried downloading the apk file it won't let me it says I have no space for it and when I check how much space I have, I have more then enough to download it. :facepalm:
  6. Snorlax, still need to fix the force close its still going on. :facepalm:
  7. Bro for 1 I'm not German, lmaoo. For 2 show me all proof on everyone on scammers list because u say there all scammers, and 3 no one was talking to u so stfu! :facepalm: 8)
  8. Thank you beautiful, I know u have a lot of hard work on this thread keep it up! Just wanted to add a litttle thing. :yahoo:
  9. It won't let me send it, it will just force close right when I open app and go back to my home screen. U can check out my post that I posted on support, its 3.3 force close help snorlaxx. I have all info there.
  10. Lol, I don't really like blue quests they get boring after awhile, its just same quests over and over and over, they need to make new ones. :facepalm:
  11. 5 mages vs 5 rouges, rouges will loose easy, or 5 rangers vs 5 rouges , rouges will loose again. 5 rouges are not that strong, just gotta take them out of stealth and u win. 8)
  12. Ever sence you guys sent out that manual update for android the 3.2.1 its been force closeing so this problem been going on for almost 2 weeks, then I thought u guys fixed it when the 3.3 came out but it still force close, so look in to this for me thank you. Been like this for awhile. :facepalm:
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