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Everything posted by kier28

  1. DEVS check the installer client for symbian,im already uninstall the old client.. . during installion the file said corrupted.. Fixed this .. Im using 5800 xpressMUSIC symbian Os 9.4 . edit: i download the 2nd file .zip extension .and the file is good.
  2. check history transaction devs in data server ,i know he is scammer., if he break the rule. Go banned!!!
  3. i hope summon scroll same price like a scoll of darknes etc.
  4. Go looneytunes kill all F0GGOT mc
  5. No need new skill, better increased 5 yards ham string. And also decreased the cool down in 2 or 3 seconds. .
  6. omg dealer email my gold after a few days.. devs fixed this bug.im scared to put my items again in dealer.i hope u fixed this.
  7. Hey devs why my topic delete iN Support i have a problem because my 6 set sphere of deff are sold in dealer till now dont email my gold.wtf and my one slot stall after my item sold are gone, what is this. OMG .. damn .. I wait ur answer. Sorry for my bad english.
  8. bye bye rikin r.i.p and their friends.
  9. Roland said all will be,do not worry. :) http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&nv=1&prev=_m&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php%3FPHPSESSID%3Ddeca36jta5hik8eebe7rjlrqk6%26topic%3D87866.15&usg=ALkJrhimOReRjSgwse6HbiRC5L9CfnW2Ww
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