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Everything posted by Darkcaller

  1. Hi, I'd like to ask for help with best skill build for solo pve chieftain lv34 after rebalance 12.2. Any ideas could help me. Thank you.
  2. Will bosses of Tombs and Outposts be solo if we go as 1 member? Because if it will be only group oriented than it should be impossible for solo player to enter them.
  3. Also, elves keep their "impossible to evade" dmg skill. But mc's not. So, I think this is big nerf on mc side. Especially, since elves even got decreased cooldown on that skill.
  4. Until now, every faction had special and unique gift from their god. I think these skills are unbalanced. Dodge can have anything, even monsters can dodge dk's steel hurricane. But ranger's bow strike can be parried only by players, since only players are using parry parameter.
  5. What have you done to my poor lil wd, dk, chief, and reaper :/
  6. Does this also contain vamp runes or relics? Or what runes/crystals/relics it contains? It would be great to add it to informations. 😊
  7. Why I don't have acces to eq ready on my personal storage? In real game my storage is full, but on test, it's empty.
  8. I would also like to see increased daily quest capacity. And when will be test? We're really curious already😁
  9. Can I alao get eq set for this? It looks lovely for start.
  10. Okay. One more question. As phy dmg dk I have satur 3/4 hurricane and aura 4/4 and I'll get reserve 3/4. My base aggro is 5/5 with 60% relic and it is not enough. Investing points to dc is not really worth for me, as pdmg dk. So how am I able to tank dg, when boss is attacking my party mates even I'm using both agros asap?
  11. So, do I understand it right, that it does 80% mdmg 4 times and can be crit?
  12. When they are able to make different dmg reduction from players and monsters on skills, why not to make that in pve it will work and in pvp won't? As somebody already said, they are changing skills according to pvp or pve. Why not separate both sides? It would be pretty resonable and useful for all. Just my opinion, bcz I'm pve player and I don't like my skills ducked up against mobs and so on (I think u know what I mean😅). It was very useful in lab, bcz now dk have no aoe stun whila pala has and all his aoe dmgs are working with stun parameter. Just my opinion as regular pve player😊
  13. I suggest gm to add cooperation for dk's death call with stun parameter. It was really important in pve for things like lab.
  14. Be careful in using the terms. Aura of Hate doesn't provide mana power. It provides 15% of pdmg, mdmg, pdeff and mdeff. Actually, in my opinion this skill is completly alright as it is, because it helps to dk in whatever weapon you're using and it is mostly pve skill. Not every single skill must be pvp and Aura provides good bonus for dk as tank.
  15. So, let me get this straight. You took aoe dmg, from chief, which was originally created to do aoe dmg. I was expecting nerf on chief, because it was overpowered (I'm saying it as chief player). But chief was created for aoe dmg and you are breaking it. I understand you're buffing dk, since in the past it recieved too much nerfs and it started to getting behind many chars, so buffing it is resonable and it will be more playful. About paladin, yeah, many people complained about sacred shield it is too strong and unable to self cast. But the fact is, that you also took paladin's dmg. If it would be just banner, okay. But also illumination, which makes from paladins who they are. Inner force isn't much better, as I can see. I'll test it, but I'm not sure about it, because you still need to loose minimally 60% of your hp to get full potential of the skill. Bd. Well, this class is alredy op and now you're making it more op. Okay, shield cd reduced is resonable, it is tank. But making sonic boom 5x5 and with more 30% dmg. That sounds insane. Also, will it affect Pterik's sonic boom? Next thing I don't understand is to reducing heal of support classes. They were created to be supportive so I wouldn't take that ability from them. Charmer, seeker and templar, those classes are interesting and this rebalance seems to give them many opportunities, therefore I'm not complaining about them. Wd has already low dmg, I wouldn't reducing it more. It has big dmg reduction so I would rebalance dmg reduction with more dmg dealing in order to create harmony for this class. On the other hand, I understand, it is the most op tank class on elf side. Ranger, rogue and hunter. Dodge is their only protection. You let it last on all lvls the same (only 33% from cd time) and made it to give more dodge. I think these skills are skills which I also wouldn't touch. They are good as they are. But yeah, I'm gonna test it and I'll see. For now I'll keep my opinion as it is.
  16. Yesterday at night I was on my account playing and doing quests as usually. Today I woke up to find out, that my account is BLOCKED???!!! For what? For playing? Like wth AIGRIND??? I wanna answers and not just "maybe you did this or that" or "there is probability that...." NO! I wanna reasonable answers! Like... What have I done???
  17. Okay, honestly, I play DK, charmer and wd, so well, I'm just sharing my thoughts xDDD
  18. Higgins, what do you think? Aren't you excited like me too? It's like christmas for children for me xDDD because in my opinion, these new chars look very good 🙂
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