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Posts posted by MR X
One topic is enough , no need to create same topic again;topicseen
his rage with BD
This is not expert..this is base skill
Never... u wanna make ur b.d to be OP?
This is usefull.....
1. Unstopable darkcircl
2. Unstopable blind/fear
3. Unstopable Earthquake
4. Unstopable healing
5. Unstopable all skill
not bug my son....u need repeat the descreption update
Since barbarian have new skill ("Defeat"), anyone hve idea, what skill should i up?
1. Devensife Skill build?
2. Offensive skill build?
3. Balance skill build?
With 484 base dmg and no chop, it deals 451 (857!) dmg.
lol the name skill is "defeat".....Defeat em all
why has the server stopped ffs
barber set is bug when double click them in m.c shop
I am playing Assassins Creed:Black flag
Call of Duty
They will lost their money from him
i don't think any barb use roar cause it is useless,, u should have remake warcery cause not working well
nope....roar are usefull. and now time are increase.
as you know Roar+Warcry+Shield+Shield Strike = OP defensive
Barbarian with shield is better than using 2H. They are usefull in arena to be tanker. They can't die in 5 sec or less (But stat should better)
but 50/50 i lose many time in arena because they didn't kill/attack me 1st. They kill my partner 1st(not barbarian) . barbarian just have charge n shield strike to save ur partner from enemy's ambush. hell out yeah XD
my warcry lvl 3, roar level 1 and blade fury lvl 2. It's still safe me from enemies.
where warcry arn't working?
Look my priest in center,Its not edited
can't understand what u mean. and i dont see any bug
Barbarian's roar active time was extended
Passive skill “Shield” now works correctly
love it .... defensive class now , that can't kill in 1 sec
It's not bug. Cause by connection from you device to server is low.
or sometime, it's not meaning you have bad network. Sometime it caused by:
-many people who login to server
-Your device range to server is far and it cause delay of sending data. (desynchronization)
-etc etc etc
You need check ping everytime and Sometime and you'll need buy a good connection if there's not in catagory.
so u r the one of weakest mage ever
it's weird why they didn't post abt hallowen's event annocoument. They just post update about new skill and dungeon. and every update ws just 1x/month(minimum).
if next update at 6 oct. then the next after next update
Useless topic
New warlock skill = To be liberty's statue \
New b,d skill = passive's ok
New barbar skill = Defeat it's 1st barbar better skill
New Paladin skill = Shield strike version
New Shaman skill = just reduce cooldwon yeah usefull but for class who have long cooldown.
New rogue skill = ok it's can be mutiple target
New necromancer skill = Amazing AoE mix blinding but hitting them will stop the effect
New druid skill = ah stun skill again?
New D.K skill = Nice but....can't use any ability for a while
New Priest skill = AoE heal and losing buff ? omg
New mage skill = nice dmg skill and slowing atk speed
New ranger skill = nice as mage
not in here dude
Volcano Warlord's Armor
in Best Costume Contest 2017
1000 years before the nadir sard lived, there was one clan who known as Magmara. None of the creatures currently living beings nor know their race. They live around the volcano and stay under the ground at the volcano. They designed a fire-resistant armor to survive. Section helmets are the effects of fire that do not know how they make the armor. They believe the armor which survive was holded by their warlord. So, Nadir's Peoples called Volcano Warlord's Armor. They believe that the magnara clan is a fire elemental which like human-shape. However, once a massive earthquake had destroyed their residence and bury and sunk them. Nadir Sard people only find one of their armor and armor are used as research. They found magmara's name on the tombstones are located below the cave of the city nadir sard.