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About Fuzi

  • Birthday 05/29/1994

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  1. Segundo a lenda, de prisioneiros que foram jogados no fundo do vulcão de Nadir. Conta a história de um prisioneiro que foi lançado nas profundezas do vulcão pela legião, era um antigo mago, devido o seu poder que mostrava ser um perigo eminente. Mas seu poder foi reconhecido pelo deus Harad que concedeu uma nova chance, vendo-o com uma implacável determinação e potencial como grande battle master. Seu traje forjado pelo artesão mais sábio de Nadir,banhado no magma das profundezas do vulcão e o poder de Harad que o abençoou aumentou sua força, capaz de ser semelhante ao sol. Com aperfeiçoamento de seu traje e ao devido grande poder, o Battle Master foi apenas chamado em batalhas que a legião parecia vencer pois seu poder destructivo era colosal. According to the legend, of prisoners who were thrown in the bottom of the volcano of Nadir. It tells the story of a prisoner who was cast into the depths of the volcano by the legion, was a former magician, because of his power which proved to be an eminent danger. But his power was recognized by the god Harad who granted him a new chance, seeing him with a relentless determination and potential as a great battle master. His costume wrought by the wisest craftsman of Nadir, bathed in the magma of the depths of the volcano and the power of Harad that blessed him increased his strength, able to be similar to the sun. With perfection of his costume and due to great power, the Battle Master was only called in battles that the legion seemed to win because its destructive power was colossal. Nickname: Fuzilleira Ranger 28 Serve Tourmaline Br
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