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Everything posted by Nezerr

  1. ben 17lvl'im 18lvl ile arenaya girince 19lar gelmişti. oluyor bazen böyle şeyler
  2. Nezerr

    Geri Döndüm

    Remixez Sapphire-də olsan lap əla olardı :lol:
  3. lol we all needn't to lake :bad: more ppl went here only for fun 8) its so funny killing mcs :yahoo:
  4. look at that :tease: we didn't fight with mcs 2 hours or more... only in 1minute we occupied Lake... Noob mcs must understand that: ELVES IS THE BEST!!!
  5. aww... but i'm saying again, we are farming bg all day :tease:
  6. lol we elfs farming in bg 7/24/365 :lol: and u are happy for 2 hours farming)) :tease:
  7. Söylediklerine gerek yok bence :wacko: Oyun böyle de güzel. Önümüzdeki ay güncelleme geliyor zaten :pleasantry:
  8. Nezerr

    Favorite Class

    I like paladin :yahoo: - High Defence - High Attack - Easy catching rogues..... Paladin is the BEST :crazy:
  9. hizli para kasmak istersen miracle coin al ve mc itemleri sat
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