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  1. @Holmes, @LeeLoo, @headfuc, @Dr Strange уважаемые разработчики , а вы когда нибудь занимались крафтом в замке в своей игре? И вообще работой с замком? неужели вы считаете, что в игре все замечательно и надо заниматься страничкой со смайликами и выпадающей менюшечкой ? необходимо сделать: 1) журнал склада замка ( поясняю- за много лет его до сих пор нет!!!, и то количество споров и конфликтов кто что поставил кто что взял достигает просто уже немыслимых высот, люди вынуждены делать скриншоты и кидать в дискорд) 2) удобный поиск на складе гильдии и на складе замка по: игроку, по дню, по ресурсу- почему мы вынуждены листать по полчаса страницы , чтобы найти кто что положил и положил ли , если складом активно пользуются 100 человек. А потом это все случайно слетает и ты сидишь заново листаешь ещё полчаса. 3) удобный чат: - чтобы он не очищался при переключении устройств - чтобы можно было отправить игроку сообщение в оффлайн , а не сидеть и ждать его днями когда он выйдет онлайн. Mailbox можно ограничить например 100-200 сообщений в целом до переполнения и не больше 10 от одного игрока. Если надо можно построить открыть один дополнительный дом и назвать его Почта. Это есть в каждой игре. - добавить возможность описания персонажа , или онлайн страницу где можно написать о себе сколько то там символов, или прямо в игре , некий профиль на 300-500 символов с запрещением специальных символов и ссылок( чтобы не было мошенничества) - тоже самое - расширить описание гильдии, сделать профиль гильдии, неужели вы думаете что одна строчка из 15 букв хватает? Чтобы написать и о наборе и о требованиях и о контактах и о целях?? - наконец сделайте чтобы меню чата с набранным текстом не слетало при переходе локаций или полёта на арену и тд, чтобы меню чата было поверх всего. А то нажимаешь сундуки - ждёшь пока шкала открытия позволит тебе что то сделать, делаешь квест ждёт пока шкала открытия тебе даст что то сделать. Чтобы вы понимали иногда ты не можешь ответить человеку в течение минуты , так как то ты улетел на арену, то тебя убили , то тебе кидают обмен, то ты перешёл локацию и каждый раз чат слетает. 4) группировка ресурсов на складе. До сих пор часть ресурсов не группируется даже когда листаешь категории товаров на складе. Например сундуки за чм. И много других товаров. Полистайте вбок вправо)) вы сами все увидите… 5) возможность двигать и убирать в сундуки персональные ( уже одетые) костюмы, они только все больше и больше перегружают сумку и ничего с ними не сделать кроме как выкинуть… часть из них дорогие.. 6) добавить большую детализацию для ролей в клане, участились случае кражи со склада ресурсов, с этим ничего поделать невозможно , кроме как изучать людей в своей гильдии в течение долгого периода. Сделайте ранжирование галочками как в меню игры, что например этот наследник может запускать только собы, а этот наследник может только принимать людей, а этот исследователь может взять не больше ресурсов чем 10 банок в день. Или сделать категории и группы игроков в клане. Поверьте это сильно упростить игру для нас, кто владеет и управляет гильдиями. ввести заместителя лидера клана, который может назначать наследников и управлять. Если лидер долго не появляется, клан потерян , так как многие вещи невозможно сделать. И много подобных вещей. 7) остальное пока писать не буду, чтобы не перегружать !поверьте - игроки будут очень вам благодарны!!! спасибо за заботу!!
    7 points
  2. Erchomage

    За что?…

    Пожалуй, распишу в этой теме, чтобы не создавать новую. @Holmes @Hedfuc На вкус и цвет, как говорится, однако субъективные ощущения после тестового сервера следующие (Холмс предложил "пощупать изменения прежде чем вопить"): 1) Выдох мрака. Однозначно пользоваться стало удобнее. За это спасибо. Чистый урон вырос, довольно незначительно правда. Ремарка: хотелось бы вернуть критический удар навыком. Сейчас крит на Выдох мрака вроде бы не работает. Учитывая общий срез магического урона у всех остальных атакующих навыков это было бы разумно. 2) Тёмный щит. Всё как и говорил - аккуратный намёк "хотите получать пользу от навыка - наденьте щит". И подточитесь (с). Ремарка: длительности действия в пылу боя крайне мало. С нынешними шансами наложить контроль из него крайне трудно выйти, и вряд ли в "окно" между ними игрок выберет прожимать Тёмный щит, который срежет с шансом 200-350 урона. Есть гораздо более надёжные и полезные навыки в такие моменты сражения. Поэтому хотелось бы изменения длительности Тёмного щита: 25/30/35/40/45 с. Значения не те, что были, но в то же время позволят не жать судорожно кнопку навыка постоянно. 3) Нити тьмы. Реликвия угрожающего контроля для ДК окончательно утратила актуальность. Шанс её работы умножается на шанс сопротивления у противников; со срезом ярда использовать её при столько низком шансе срабатывания более нецелесообразно вместо Реликвии недосягаемости. А жаль, ведь бонус на длительность дебафа на урон приятный - если бы работал. Предложение 1: Если при применении навыка сработало Сопротивление, персонаж получает бафф на исходящий урон на 4/5/6/7/8 с на 4/6/8/10/12% урона. Таким образом не будет потраченной впустую маны и времени на использование навыка: он станет полезным не только в PvP, а и прокачиваемым и используемым в PvE, что облегчает контроль за очками развития навыков игроков, которые на данный момент вынуждены выбирать только лишь между "шип 3, агр 5, крылья 5" и "выдох 3, агр 5, крылья 5". Предложение 2: Нити тьмы проходят проверку на Сопротивление эффекту "Обездвиживание" и "Дебаф на урон". Цель притягивается в любом случае. 3) Ураган Стали. Урон стал меньше в магической сборке, значительно меньше, чем был усилен Выдох мрака. Это я к тому, что не понял, почему в ребалансе написано, что 7,1% увеличения урона навыка, наносящего 1500 урона - это значительное усиление, а уменьшение на 12-17% у навыка, который наносит 2000 урона - это незначительное уменьшение итогового урона. Учитывая массовость навыка - это ещё сильнее сказывается на эффективности применения. Неясно, какой итоговый урон должен получатся с таланта Наслаждение кровью и в каких ситуациях и сборках игрок должен предпочесть именно его. Предложение 1: увеличить % урона или радиус действия таланта Наслаждение кровью, которое наносит смешные цифры урона и не пользуется популярностью. Предложение 2: заменить талант Наслаждение Кровью на талант Стальной вихрь: если Ураган Стали атаковал три и более целей, перезарядка умения сокращается на 50%. Таким образом не будет "срабатывания в пустоту" таланта Наслаждение кровью, как в подавляющем большинстве игровых ситуаций (мобы умерли, противники отбежали, проявился рассинхрон) Ремарка: минимальный урон на 1/4 развития навыка всё же вырос. Это конечно позволит спокойно оставлять навык неразвитым и пользоваться с большей эффективностью, нежели до ребаланса, однако это основное атакующее умение ДК, особенно в физсборке. 4) Острая тень. Урона стало меньше, но это некритично, поскольку для физической сборки появился отхил, а шанс стал 100%. Учитывая, что некоторые классы получили массовый стан с шансом 100%, Острая тень никак не выделяется на их фоне, однако всё равно спасибо. 5) Удар безмолвия. Без нареканий. Одназначный ап навыка до уровня бага несколько лет назад. Ремарка: всё ещё неактуален в PvE. 6) Аура ненависти Снова становится навыком, который стоит качать лишь в физической сборке. Поскольку для магической прибавки меньше (магической силы собирается меньше) и точность магической сборке не критична (личное мнение - вообще не нужна). Так как это единственный минимально полезный талант - выбирать стоит именно его, даже на 1/4 развития навыка. Ремарка: на фоне значительных ослаблений магического потенциала чтобы этот навык в принципе развивали и использовали, необходимо вернуть старые значения. Предложение: вместо Точности персонаж получает Скорость атаки / Пробивную способность в зависимости от преобладающей силы. 7) Проклятие рыцаря. Возможно, если бы навык выпускался таким, каким он будет после ребаланса, люди бы и восхищались. Однако после третьего ослабления навыка подряд он полностью утратил свою актуальность. Всё ещё бесполезный в физической сборке, и теперь крайне непреспособленный к динамичности геймплея для магической сборки. Предложение 1: сделать тик урона хотя бы раз в 2.5 секунды, чтобы сквозь неё нельзя было просто бегать. Предложение 2: спасибо, что сделали тик на последней секунде, "поправив проблему". Однако через 21 секунду после использования навыка этот урон не будет играть вообще никакой роли. Навык нуждается в уроне на нулевой секунде : то есть сразу в момент появления зоны. После ребаланса урон будет наноситься на: 9й, 12й, 15й, 18, 21й секундах после применения навыка. Предлагаю, чтобы наносился на: 6й, 9й, 12й, 15й, 18, 21й (если останется тик раз в 3 секунды) Предложение 3: вернуть возможность наносить урон объектам пока персонаж жив. Если умирает - урон наносится только игрокам. Пилоны, Штандарты, Ворота, Статуи РБ Балагана - всё это цели, по которым ДК не может реализовать свой урон. Все ослабления ребаланса ещё больше сводят эти шансы на нет. Это одно из самых важных предложений - дайте возможность атаковать объекты. Предложение 4: Урон от навыка рассчитывается динамически, а не в момент применения навыка. Ремарка 1 в пользу предложения: 170% урона на 9й секунде это очень долго. За это же время можно применить два Урагана стали по 185% (с талантом). При этом Ураган стали будет применяться где нужно (а не появляться как пламя в стороне от боя), а также одинаково полезен в физической и магической сборке. Ремарка 2 в пользу предложения: Полагаю, что ослабление разового урона на 10% и урона в минуту на 39% (за счёт того, что новый тик урона равен 66% от старого тика) - это достаточно для ослабления. Количество тиков меняться не должно, а то, что они срабатывают на первой и последней секунде нахожу правильной работой механики навыка, а не "усилением". 8) Зов смерти. Талант навыка полезен исключительно в инстах. Потому как его применение накладывает дебаф на цель для всех участников сражения. Мы ведь Рыцари Смерти - как может случаться так, что лишь помогаем вражеской фракции забрать у своих босса? Предложение: с выходом блока талантов Зов смерти стал ещё более "пвешным" навыком, а ребаланс ещё и ослабил урон в магической сборке. При этом в физической сборке навык не наносит теперь урон вообще. Предлагаю, чтобы талант Вой мёртвых накладывал на цели метку, которую могут снять только персонаж или члены его группы. Метка восстанавливает 5% от максимального здоровья персонажа /или/ Снятая с цели Метка на 6 секунд накладывает бафф Мёртвая хватка: увеличивает весь исходящий урон на 8%. Таким образом, и физическая и магическая сборка смогут реализовать саппорт-потенциал (раз уж мы двигаемся в эту сторону) Воя мёртвых и в PvE, и в PvP сегментах. 9) Защита крови. Безусловно интересно, как возможность кидать навык на союзника повлияет на наличие ДК в составе агр-пати на Замках. Однако в массовых сражениях нажимать навык стало гораздо менее удобно, что сказывается на принятии решения вообще его использовать. Это касается ситуаций, когда "окно" между глухими контролями позволяет лишь использовать мгновенный навык - а не искать цель для выбора, что крайне затруднительно в той же толпе. Предложение: При применении накладывает Защиту крови на персонажа и одного члена группы с наименьшим количеством здоровья в радиусе трёх ярдов. Эффект навыка на союзнике снижен на 50%. Общее впечатление. Однозначно, проделана неплохая работа и актуализация класса в нынешних реалиях - это прежде всего изменения длительности Выдоха, хорошое усиление Тёмного щита для танков, а также уникальный массовый сайленс, усиливший и без того мощный потенциал этого направления у ДК. Порадовали новые иконки в талантах Балагана - теперь интуитивно понятно, что даёт каждый бонус, да и просто красиво выглядит: моё почтение художникам. Хотя после Балагана сам Снежный предел заставляет сильно жмурить глаза от яркости красок - будем надеяться, что яркость впечатлений от ивента будет на том же уровне. Могу также сказать, что изменениями Тёмного щита и Острой тени, а также ослаблением магического урона нам явно намекают: носите щит. Какое оружие выбрать - это уже на усмотрение игрока: хотя физическая сборка сейчас выдаст больше урона, одновременно нужно учитывать, что большинство навыков так и работают лишь от магической силы, и получается, что единственным верным оружием для ДК является одноручная булава. Такими нехитрыми приёмами нам говорят переодеваться под новые реалии. Неясно лишь одно: зачем в октябре я потратил 250к империалов велу 32, которая более неактуальна. За пять критованных молотов +10 и экипировку под данную сборку я промолчу Надеюсь, мои скромные наблюдения, замечания и предложения хотя бы в некоторой мере будут учтены для внедрения. Все из них касаются реальных проблем механик работы навыков, а не нытьём отдельного индивида на уменьшения красивых циферок в навыках: потому я бы искренне желал повышенного внимания к этой теме. Я понимаю, что каждый из Вас в эти дни дичайшим образом загружен делами и нытьём комьюнити, поэтому будет достаточно реакции на это сообщение или короткого "спасибо, рассмотрим" - чтобы все Рыцари Смерти знали, что не забыты. А что именно уже учтётся - мы увидим в Релизе, чтобы не Вы расписывали зазря каждый пункт, тратя лишние время. Развёрнуто о том, что не реализуете, будет приятно узнать уже после Релиза и Вашего отдыха, чтобы знать почему именно предложения не были внедрены. Ваш Повар
    4 points
  3. хотела бы тоже оставить отзыв о предстоящем ребалансе. первое что хотелось бы сказать это то что я не увидела исправления на мой взгляд самой главной проблемы игры - ситуации с нужностью всех классов. сейчас у дд классов есть преимущество в чем только можно - солофарм однозначно за ними, практически все инсты спокойно ходятся в 5 дд (вряд ли небольшое изменение параметров уклонения это исправит), да и вообще развитие перса и фарм у дд идет значительно быстрее чем у остальных классов, все туры где в качестве награды была книга за количество заходов были рассчитаны только на дд классы ну и хилов по типу некра которые могут повышать дамаг дд классов. какую роль вы отводите хилам и танкам? возиться с нубами? приходить фармить когда дд уйдут? участвовать в том ограниченном количестве контента где хилы и танки еще нужны? качаться в дамаг зная что такой дамаг как дд классы они не разгонят, но чтоб стать не совсем балластом? играть пол года после каждой обновы пока вы не ослабите все что только можно и хилы и танки опять станут не нужны и потом пару лет ждать следующей? отхиливать или агрить "печеньку" на 1 локе инста радуясь что сэкономили команде пару секунд, хотя дд спокойно могут пройти этот инст и без использования этой механики и сэкономят больше времени за счет того что не возьмут хила и/или танка. смешно короче. зачем эти все ваши разные роли если в конечном счете в пве сегменте почти все сводится только к дамагу? что должно дать стимул отказаться от части дамага в пользу привлекательных механик? можно было бы сказать что разные роли и механики вызывают интерес на арене. вот только арены то нет. все заполонили твины и доги. а те кто приходит нормально регать фактически приходят за нервотрепкой, а не за игрой. вчера вот один гаврик в мир чате рассказывал что человек который звал народ регать рандомный храм совсем обнаглел и хочет себе циферки набить за счет нубов, что мог бы поступить честно и собрать "нормальный дог" а не позориться, а еще героем прикидывался и рассказывал как он кому то туры помогал брать в рандомной арене закидывая противоположной фракции твина. и это не был троллинг было видно что он правда так считает и такая искаженная логика уже у овердофига народу. вы понимаете что это уже не очень похоже на игру да? вообще пофиг какие там механики когда одни мобы с никами бегают сливаться другим мобам с никами. это уже относится больше к пве сегменту и понятно что фармить мобов проще и быстрее чем победить игрока который нормально играет и какие при таком раскладе могут светить места и награды без овощедогов? да все еще можно придти поиграть, собрать шмот. но все чаще это превращается в нервотрепку. и ждать рега с каждым разом приходится все дольше = тратить время на скуку. так где применять эти ваши разные механики и роли? на гвг по пол часа раз в день? этим игра должна цеплять кроме общения? но вместо того чтобы исправить эту ситуацию, сделать контент для всех, убрать самодостаточность классов, а в будущем наконец сделать нормальную арену (да я понимаю что этот вопрос к ребалансу не относится) вы расписываетесь в том что этого сделать не можете или не хотите и как итог даете хилам и танкам больше дамага чтобы они могли по дамагу приблизиться к дд классам. вот только когда человек выбирает хила или танка он хочет играть и быть полезным применяя свои сильные стороны а не становясь недодд. одно дело поднимать дамаг чтобы быстрее что то пройти другое когда в сильной пати ничего кроме дамага толком не нужно. в общем с одной стороны ребаланс правда массовый и есть что порадовало, сделана попытка исправить многие проблемы у классов, сделать их более комфортными, например были переработаны навыки дк и ханта, которые давно требовали изменений и может быть это повысит привлекательность классов. насколько удачно сделана эта попытка будет видно. с другой стороны самое главное вы оставили без внимания. теперь то что касается конкретных правок. сложилось впечатление что вы не достаточно оценили вид станящих скилов и как это повлияет на потенциал класса который их использует когда шанс срабатывания всех станящих скилов сделали сделали 100%. во первых потому что горы получили 100% шанс на скилы которые станят 1 цель или как хант в скил который сложно реализовать, а уши 100% на масс станы, причем у очень популярных классов таких как пал и маг. палу увеличили длительность масс станов и дали большую дальность, что сделает применение более простым. магу чуть чуть срезали время стана но увеличили шанс стана почти в 2 раза. многим классам ух вы поднимаете/даете масс дамаг. что в совокупности со станами значительно их бафает в масс замесах, а они и раньше не были слабыми. что же вы даете горам чтобы это компенсировать? на самом деле не понятно - некоторым классам вы даете масс дебафы (например дк, хант), некоторым ослабляете (например шаму тотем бессилия - и параметры снижаются и теперь реализовать его будет сложнее), усиливаете дезящие скилы. это нужно будет посмотреть но пока масс станы кажутся более привлекательными чем дебафы и простота реализации контроль скилов у ух кажется более высокой. также вопрос насколько продумано изменение ограничения целей - ощущение что у большинства классов оно уменьшено зеркально, только не учтено что в масс замесах станы снять сложнее чем дебафы (их легко снять и банками и скилами, у жреца вот есть скил который снимает негативные эффекты даже в определенной области). а еще хотелось бы сказать про изменение сетового навыка сила предков. вместо кучи печенек он теперь дает скорость атаки и передвижения, что не очень понятно зачем. у танка сильно должен подняться атакующий потенциал и скорость передвижения дается чтобы добить цель? не думаю что будет иметь смысл собирать сет в пвп потому что 25% скорости атаки вряд ли так сильно поднимут дамаг, чтобы компенсировать никакущую живучесть потому что придется избавиться от ареношмота с устоем, а хп и защиту теперь сетовый навык повышать не будет. если предполагается что фул сет станет привлекательным в пве, то для танка "в дд" пока полусет легких доспехов кажется более привлекательным, а "танкующий" танк не сможет не применять скилы агра. поэтому если его менять так то предложила бы убрать блокировку скилов в форме зверя. так его смогли бы собирать "танкующие" танки. теперь то что касается отдельных классов: 1) Паладин. сакральный щит сильно улучшен в первую очередь за счет того что размер щита рассчитывается от здоровья пала, а не от здоровья цели. учитывая что пал танк и хп у него как правило много это повышает его сейвящий потенциал. если раньше были непробиваемые связки то не создаст ли это проблему на арене сейчас? 2) храмовник. исправлена ли ситуация при которой общее количество пвп целей сильно превышало заявленное и обратный поток мог откидывать по 6 пвп целей каждую секунду (1,3 сек)? 3) друид. данный класс сам по себе живучий и быстро слить его достаточно сложно, а теперь за счет живительного потока он будет значительно хилить всех членов группы, при этом друиду даже не надо будет контролировать нужен хил команде или нет, а значит исключается шанс что скил просто не будет применен вовремя. не повысит ли это слишком сильно живучесть ух на арене, не создаст ли сильное преимущество по времени когда горам чтобы слить ух даже когда они сильнее придется тратить много времени и соответственно бить импы и очки арены станет сложнее и дольше чем ухам, что создаст необоснованное преимущество. 4) Страж. не понятна логика почему самому живучему танку в игре у которого есть скил на мобильность дается масс дамаг с дальностью применения 3 ярда (мощный выпад). 5) варвар. так как играю за него тут вопросов больше. опять же не очень понятна логика. почему палу увеличивается дальность применения масс стана, а вару уменьшается дальность применения стана в 1 цель. также убирается 1 цель с рева. этот скил и так сильно пофиксили в прошлый раз и у меня складывалось ощущение что на гвг вар стал не сильно полезен по сравнению с другими классами, теперь еще и минус 1 цель потому что фиксятся у остальных, только там другие классы и влияние масс скила на эффективность класса в масс замесах не одинаково. а еще вы значительно повышаете урон от всех дот-эффектов, но вару вы фактически убираете все механизмы защиты. если сильное ослабление кожи еще можно понять - так увеличится роль хилов, то фикс антика считаю плохим решением потому что это главная фишка вара. так например на 5 секторе много лок, где нужно снятие дот-эффектов, в инсте тритонов придется идти боем и больше нельзя будет пробежать локу используя как раз преимущество танка чтобы сэкономить время команде. про гвг и масс замесы вообще говорить нечего. я не уверена что с таким фиксом вар сможет выполнять роль танка на гвг. можно было бы сказать что антик порезали не только вару а тому же магу например. вот только маг не танк и на гвг эти классы выполняют разные задачи, а еще разная значимость скила для эффективности и привлекательности этих классов для игроков. 6) шаман. пофикшен тотем бессилия (снижены показатели дебафа и теперь дебаф вешается только в зоне действия тотема) и снижено время действия щита молний. считаю что это делает оба скила неюзабельными просто потому что так часто обновлять скилы у шамана возможности нет. у шама слишком много скилов которые надо успеть дать - и команду похилить/набафать и скилы на дамаг дать и тотемов у шамана целых 3, для которых надо найти момент чтобы приблизиться к противникам/союзникам и успеть вовремя дать. а потом еще и успеть отбежать если мы говорим об арене потому что шаман все же не танк. может шаманы в фул веле и книжках это и не так сильно почувствуют но для остальных вариативность пропадает. а еще не понятен очередной фикс руки предков. самый безобидный скил. что плохого в том что шаман рукой предков оттащит соги от мобов на собе ги? как нарушает баланс этот скил? не понятна очередная попытка ограничить возможность шама взаимодействовать данным скилом с другими игроками - фикс ради фикса.
    4 points
  4. Так как у нас уже 2 варианта раскачки навыков, условно пвп/пве, предлогаю в подарочек который дается всегда на нг засунуть 2 книги забвение! Уверен ребаланс перевернул игру не только на моём персонаже но и на других ( кроме иска:D ), свези с этим я предлогаю 2 книги забвение в подарок. Я как хант хочу после ребаланса поменять и пвп и пве @Hedfuc @Holmes @Dr Strange @LeeLoo
    3 points
  5. Прохождение с ОБТ. Прохождения с боевого не будет, так как опять пофиксят что-нибудь и вообще никакого челленджа не останется.
    3 points
  6. Добрый день,данный навык давно просит переработку слишком длинное действие 10 секунд и область на тритонах/локах гвг данный навык может пол гии оставить в руте если мелкий переход так же и на арене+у легиона хватает навыков что бы не выпустить даже хранителей с него+ скилл лужа и вторая лужа на стопанс,просьба в ребалансе пересмотреть его и сделать 5-6секунд у ух даже нет альтернативы против такого скилла
    3 points
  7. @Dr Strangeможет вы пересмотрите работу стата пронзание? В игре и так огромное количество статов что бустят автоатаку в то время как скилы не имеют такого разнообразия статов. Дайте возможность работы стата пронзание со скилов дабы был какой то смысл в ней, если сам стат был просто бесполезен до ввода талантов то теперь и сами таланты бесполезны что не есть нормально.
    3 points
  8. It's been about a year since this problem occurred and I've sent two inquiry emails, but I've decided to leave a message on the forum because the problem hasn't fixed yet. They replied that they recognized the problem when I sent the first mail, and that they were fixing it when I sent the second mail. But this problem feels like it's been left unattended for a year. I'm so sorry if it's not. But it's so hard to have a communication problem for a year. Not being able to type Korean properly on all Apple devices causes communication problems between Korean users. Occurs in the latest versions of the iPhone, iPad, and Mac on the most recent version of warspear. Normal output on top and abnormal output on bottom. I hope this snow update fixes this. Have a wonderful holiday season.
    2 points
  9. Доброго времени суток, читатели! Растягивать предисловие не вижу смысла, поэтому давайте сразу к делу, а касается оно непосредственно грядущего ребаланса, а конкретнее - хочу обсудить изменения, которые хотят внести в навык "Щит молний". Вопрос обстоит таким образом, что навык решили перекроить чуть ли не полностью и это не есть хорошо. Поясню: Изменение кд и длительности - привносит сразу большие изменения в геймплее, если раньше это было по типу " Нажал - Забыл ", то сейчас будет чуть интереснее, с одной стороны больше нажатий, с другой - не так боишься бана мага и вождя/ не так страшно поймать релу на снятие, так что тут свои плюсы и минусы найдёт каждый, как то мне это плюс, люблю когда есть возможность часто нажимать много кнопок, а геймплей "нажал один скилл в минуту и доволен" как-то не по душе. Изменение урона - ну окей, терпеть можно, учитывая что есть дико сильный талант внизу ветки, думаю это баланс и вполне адекватный. Ограничение на число срабатываний в пвп - хммм... Да, окей, будет не так эффектно стоять в толпе уже и убивать нубов, которые рандомно в тебя дали автоатаку, вопрос только в том как будет работать проверка проков, тоесть на всех атакующих сразу или отдельно на каждого игрока. Если второй вариант - окей пофиг, если на всех сразу... Ну тут тушить свет, ни о какой жизни в толпе речи не будет. С другой стороны - а должен ли был Шам так жить?) Вопрос риторический, но спасибо за это время и приятные эмоции) И вот тут делаю паузу перед двумя последними моментами. Смотрите, вроде бы пока всё более менее, где-то это немного нерфы, Где-то и правда нужный баланс, но всё таки три уже достаточно больших изменения. Казалось бы, давайте на этом остановимся? Посмотрим как теперь шаманы будут играть, сделаем необходимые выводы, потом внесём правки. Но нет.... Па-бам! Теперь: 1) Урон от навыка будет проходить проверку на Уклонение и Блокирование 2) Баш больше не прокает от навыка Извините, но за что так сразу? ... Пожалуйста, давайте сейчас обойдемся без этого, как то попробуем поиграть с первыми тремя моментами. Смотрите как даже нелогично получается, добавляется проверка на защитные статы, тоесть ответный удар молнии по врагу будет считаться почти обычной атакой, но при этом вы этой обычной атакой запрещаете оглушать. Пожалуйста, уважаемые разработчики, оставьте хотя бы оглушение в навыке. Много людей накупили на балагане кольца с оглушением, я сам очень люблю этот параметр и топлю за него изо всех сил, а тут такая ситуация. Бог с ней с проверкой, поставлю в руки дополнительную точность, пожертвую пробивом, но я не хочу отказываться от сборки в оглушение. Урон будет меньше у навыка, ограничено количество проков за время, проверка на защитные статы, но прошу, пожалуйста, не убирайте оглушение! Рубите один из основных (если не самый основной) навык шамана с плеча просто. Шаманы, поддержите пожалуйста тему. Изменения должны быть, пусть будут, но забирать из навыка всё и сразу это не совсем правильно. Я за баланс, но всё таки...
    2 points
  10. Выражу свое мнение касательно переработанного навыка Безжалостная атака. Увеличили кд с 6 аж до целых 10 секунд. Этот навык - опорный навык для рога в прокаст. Если раньше с кд 95% этот навык бил раз в 3 секунды, что позволяло использовать его после каждой экспертки - то сейчас имея кд 112% (с переработкой истребления) безжалостная атака бьет раз в 4.7 секунды! У рога в топоры отобрали 35 скорости с истреба - взамен дали 20 кд - окей, может было слишком жирно иметь столько статов с одного навыка, но зачем при этом увеличивать кд ОПОРНОГО ДД-СКИЛА РОГА В ПРОКАСТ?! Как теперь кастовать?! Если есть еще эта задержка между экспами ( поясню: у рога только ОДИН навык из базовых на удар, а стало быть, только после него нет задержки на другие навыки). А значит, после юзания БА я должен бить экспертным навыком - потом снова БА (с кд 3сек она успевала уже откдшиться, но сейчас - НЕТ) - то есть вместо повторной БА я должен бить экспой сразу после экспы, здравствуй задержка в 2секунды, здравствуй рог в прокаст)))) Сколько теперь нужно собрать кд, чтобы БА била столько же, сколько и раньше? 200? Смысл мне от большего кд для эксп, если у них у всех есть задержка в 2 секунды? Раньше это компенсировалось скоростью атаки с истреба - сейчас и ее нет. Я не знаю, по моему мнению, рога ослабили раза в два, хотя он и не был пве-машиной (Вспомним про жнеца с критом в 40к под водой:))) и 100% критом от навыка) Просьба вернуть кд в 6 секунд на безжалостную атаку, ну или не 10, а хотя бы 7-8 (чтобы с увеличенным кд от истреба теперь остался тот же кд в 3 секунды), пуская даже и с меньшими цифрами урона. Я уверен, многие из рогов со мной согласятся , играть невозможно!!!
    2 points
  11. Подскажите, это единственная кнопка в игре, которую вообще нельзя нажать без группы?
    2 points
  12. @Dr Strange @LeeLoo Can we please get bag slots increased for character and personal warehouses For bulk crafters? Also, can we get option of 10x/20x items per slot for None and Equi Class of wearables? Further Pots and Scrolls should be atleast 50x pcs per slot but 20x isn't bad. Please consider this if possible.
    2 points
  13. Нам повысили расстояние применения Защиты Земли... Мда....
    2 points
  14. @Horimiya Куда же твои сообщения делись? Ты же так яро отстаивал бесполезность баша в пве.
    2 points
  15. Не так давно в игру ввели вторую сборку навыков, благодаря чему игроки наконец смогли играть с более вариативными навыками под конкретные ситуации, но в итоге конечном, это не решило проблему окончательно. Сейчас в игре есть три вида контента: Массовые сражения, PvP арена и всё с ней связанное, PvE. А возможных билдов на данный момент всего два. Из чего выходит, что игрок постоянно жертвует одним билдом и становится менее эффективным в одном виде контента. Это неудобно, очень неудобно. Моя гильдия к примеру нацелена на GvG из-за чего у меня один билд сделан с упором на этот вид контента, он никак не подходит под другие виды игры. Второй билд обычно у меня занят PvE сборкой. Вопрос, что мне делать с PvP? Покупать каждый день книги забвения? У меня денег не хватит делать это каждый день. А я напомню, арена закрывается каждый день, PvE вообще постоянно, массовые битвы тоже регулярны(на ивентах почти каждый день, не считая борьбу за мир рб). Итого я предлагаю дать третий слот под сборку навыков. Кто-то скажет, что это понизит цену книги забвения и она никому не будет нужна, но это далеко не так. Сейчас с ребалансом многие навыки возродили, появилась вариативность. Сегодня мне нравится этот билд навыков в PvP, завтра я захочу другой(это норма). Думаю мысль понятна.
    2 points
  16. I agree with the opinion above. With a "few" last updates, its going only down with a Rogues, especially from the Survivability perspective. Dodge was mostly a "rogue thing" from the beginning of the class and the expert skills, which rogue "lost". Absolute reflexes -> got multiple Changes (nerfs) after which Dodge build is not effective and playable anymore. Dodge ->Went from 60s duration to 15s in previous update, and now to 10s duration with a 24s CD Trickiest Technique -> Amount of heal received from the skill is reduced by 50% now. There is a lot of damage, stuns and silences from the ELF side (I'm not complaining about it), but as a Rogue i dont have a single way how to protect myself against it in compare with other classes. As a Rogue player, i dont have resist skills / deff. skills / shield or damage reduction which could save me or help me. Extermination -> Main skill of each rogue user. I understand that DEVS wanted to make it more interesting, make a more ways how to play a rogue, but why changing it so drastically ? Rogue doesnt have a skills for it. All skills, builds were only made around the Extermination and it's attack speed. After the rebalance. Doesnt matter if we choose Daggers / Swords / Axes we will lose damage / attack speed and Cooldown. If i chose daggers / Swords = in both cases i will lose the damage, attack speed and Cooldown stats. How am i supposed to compete with such things against the other Classes ? How am I supposed to fight in a PVE content, especially at raid bosses against the Hunters, Rangers, seekers ? For the PVP Axes are not usable anymore. 50% CD looks fine but 0 Attack speed .... i will be hitting the player as fast as turtle is moving. Daggers are not usable in PVP as well. If we take daggers we will gain the 30% attack speed, but our Cooldown and Damage will go down as much as BITCOIN price these days ! We dont have skills suitable for for using daggers in PVP. Swords - "Golden middle way" gaining 10% attack speed and 12.5% Cooldown. Looks good on the paper, but in reality its not good as well. Getting "atleast" something out of it + losing the dmg. I dont want to exaggerate, but i can claim that rogue has THE WORST CLASS TALENTs out there. 1) Thirst for Murderer (Extermination skill) - "The characters skills and auto-attack are guaranteed to cause critical damage when attacking an opponent with health less than 20% of the maximum while the Extermination skill is in effect". PvE -> Skill is pretty much useless. 100% damage on mobs that have under 20% HP ?? what is it for ? Why ? what is 100% damage gonna change when the MOB/BOSS is under 20% of hp ? Is it supposed to be a help or for a faster kill ? its even useless for the fight on a Raid bosses as ELM / Engineer / ORCI / OCTO because its activating too late. PvP -> Well, since there is a resilience on the Arena Gear, we are not able to deal Crit damage. Even if the player is under 20% of the HP. Skill is not dealing crit damage, so it basically useless / wasted skill. 2) Tirelessness (Jump skill) - "With a 70% chance, it allow you to reuse the "Elusive Jump" skill without recharging. Skill damage is reduced by 70%." No idea what is this doing in a game. Nobody would change 70% of the skill damage for a chance to use jump once again. As a movement skill, i think this is the worst possible way how to make it. I do need a target for using it which in a arena or "running scenario" doesnt make much sense. 3) Tornado of blades (Ricochet skill) - "Each time the "Ricochet" skill deals damage to an opponent, another random target is also hit." To be honest i do like ricochet skill but only in a PVE content -> Dungeons. Its easy way how to clear mobs which are close to each other, with a good CD and dmg. For the PVP content i dont really like it. I know rogue was/is lacking some AOE dmg, but this is terrible. Since skill will hit multiple objects / players damage will split into every hitted player / object and it will make little damage. (Im not saying i should be 1-Tapping everyone with it but i dont find this skill effective) Since Rogue should be "Good" in Arena / PvP content i do find class talents above little bit as a "Joke" and it doesnt make any sense to me and i believe, it is possible to reconsider checking the talents above and rework it to something more usefull, and suitable for rogue. For something, what rogue actually need and would improve Rogue atleast litlle bit better then it currently is. We had To Spent XYZ Hrs. to make it to the key talent as every other class. I believe, if you ask me or anybody who is playing a rogue, if that "journey" for obtaining the Class Talent was worth it >> ITS NOT! Please, Have a look at it one more time, and reconsider the changes you have made with a skills and Class talents. @Holmes @Nolan @Dr Strange
    2 points
  17. As always, for me this is a very bad problem, we have the trash agro systems where you can be hitting a boss with an advantage of 15secs+ and lose the loot/quest from the boss because someone that does more dmg than you tryed to steal your tag and now the bosses than need more than 5 ppl to kill them and just 1 pt gets the drops, what a ducking trash.
    2 points
  18. Авто атака бустится куда сильнее и имеет частоту атак выше чем каст скила, авта на несколько голов выше.
    2 points
  19. Понял. Из интересного и реально важного это меню рб и обновлённое меню смайлов.
    2 points
  20. Dear friends! There are only a few days left until the celebration of the World Creation, which will come to Arinar with the release of the Warspear Online 11.2 Update! Very soon you will plunge into winter adventures and get acquainted with the mysterious inhabitants of the Snow Boundary, but we will tell you about this in detail in the second part of the announcement. Today we present to your attention a large-scale rebalance of character skills. It's no secret that building a balance in a game is a difficult task, because in addition to caring for the balance of power, our team strives to diversify the gameplay and maintain the potential to create interesting game situations. Refinement and modification of existing mechanics allow you to experiment with different options for assembling characters and at the same time maintain all the conditions for a fair confrontation. And while preparations for the arrival of numerous guests are being completed at Snow Boundary, we recommend that you study the information on the upcoming changes in skills, because, as you know, you need to meet the holidays fully armed! In addition to the changes in mechanics, we have also reworked the descriptions of most skills. Please note that according to the results of testing, some changes of skills may be altered. Change of faction passive skills Spirituality Now the skill increases the maximum health by 4%, physical and magical strength by 2% for the character. Concentration Now the skill increases the maximum health by 2%, physical and magical strength by 4% for the character. Mountain’s Power Now the skill increases the maximum health by 4%, physical and magical strength by 2% for the character. Devotion Now the skill increases the maximum health by 2%, physical and magical strength by 4% for the character. Developer’s commentary: Over time faction bonuses began to bring more advantages to some classes, so we tried to rework them to correct the balance of power. Change of basic set skills Sneer of Fate Now the effect of the skill is not interrupted when magical damage is dealt. The summoned monster now inherits the following parameters of the character: critical hit, critical damage strength, accuracy, attack speed, penetration, attack power, depth's fury, ferocity, piercing attack, physical and magical defense, resilience, resistance, dodge. Now the summoned monster inherits the bonus to critical damage from the "Crushing Will" skill. Deadly Illusion Now copies of the character inherit from the character 100% of the “Accuracy”, “Penetration” and “Critical Damage” parameters and 50% of the “Attack Speed” and “Critical Hit” parameters. Ancestors' Power Now, while the skill is active, the “Attack Speed” parameter is increased by 25%. The movement speed of the character upon taking damage increased by 25% for 5 sec. Crushing Will Reduced the maximum number of skill effects from 10 to 5. The bonus of the character's "Critical Hit" parameter has been adjusted: from 2% to 4%, the power of critical damage and critical healing from character skills: from 3% to 6%. The duration of the skill has been adjusted: it was 45 sec., now it is 30 sec. Irreversible Anger Reduced the maximum number of skill effects from 10 to 5. The bonus of the "Accuracy" and "Penetration" parameters of the character has been adjusted: it was 2%, now it is 3%. The duration of the skill has been adjusted: it was 30 sec., now it is 20 sec. Thirst for Life Reduced the maximum number of skill effects from 10 to 5. The bonus of the maximum amount of character health has been adjusted: from 3% to 4%, reduction of any incoming damage to the character from monsters: from 3% to 6%, reduction of any incoming damage to the character from players: from 2% to 3%. The duration of the skill has been adjusted: it was 30 sec., now it is 20 sec. Added a delay for the accumulation of the effect: no more than once every 1 sec. The skill now removes any debuff from the character every 6.5 sec. when the character's health reduced to 50% of the maximum health (it was every 5 sec.). Developer’s commentary: Set active skills were not very popular in either PvE or PvP-battles. In this regard, we have strengthened them so that they become more attractive in both game directions. Although the situation was the opposite with set skills of permanent action, a number of problems and the excessive effectiveness of some of them were obvious. We've made it a lot easier to set the maximum number of effects, but at the same time we've loosened them up a bit. Critical damage strength The formula for calculating critical damage from all sources has been changed: now various modifiers are added together and added to the base modifier of the character. The final effectiveness of critical damage has changed from the following sources: Passive guild skill "Guild Might" Classless expert skill "Enhanced Critical Damage" Great Relic of Indomitable Blow Small Relic of Indomitable Blow Final calculation of critical damage from effects that increase the critical damage of skills Now the "Critical damage strength" parameter is displayed in the "Attack" tab in the character's parameters ("Menu-Character-All attributes-Attack") and by clicking on the character's portrait in the "Equipment" tab. Invisibility detection The mechanics of invisibility detection has been changed: now the chance to detect an enemy decreases depending on the distance to the target (the further the target, the lower the chance). New mechanics apply to skills and items: Eye of Darkness (Charmer) Dragon Eye (Mage) Greater Potion of Detection Medium Potion of Detection Eyes of Anglerfish Interaction of the “Fear” effect with damage The mechanics of the interaction of the “Fear” negative effect with DOT-damage has been changed: now DOT-damage cannot interrupt the effect. New mechanics apply to skills and relics: Fear (Warlock) Arrow of Confusion (Hunter) Panic (Necromancer) Relic of Wild Thrill Small Relic of Wild Thrill Chosen Paladin Repellent Strike Added an additional check of skill effect and damage. Effect can now only be negated by resistance and the damage can only be negated by Evade \ Block \ Parry. Purifying Skill cooldown increased from 9 sec. to 10 sec. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Now the magic damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of magical DOT-damage from the skill: from 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60 pts. and 102 \ 104 \ 106 \ 108 \ 110% of the character's magical power for 6 sec., to 10 \ 20 \ 27 \ 35 \ 45 pts. and 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 50 \ 55% of the character's magical power every 2 sec. for 6 sec. Added checks for "Dodge" \ "Parry" \ "Block" when applying DOT-damage from a skill. The final magical DOT-damage of the skill has significantly increased. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage practically unchanged, damage per minute slightly decreased. Fetters of Justice Skill cooldown increased from 15 sec. to 18 seс. Increased PvP-target limit: from 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6, to 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Light Aura The skill now also increases the character's “Accuracy” parameter by 4 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12%. Heavenly Light Now the amount of healing from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 \ 4 pts. per level. The amount of healing from the character's magical power has been adjusted: from 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80 \ 90 pts. and 85 \ 95 \ 105 \ 115 \ 125%, to 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 105 \ 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 130%. The final healing of the skill has practically unchanged. Illumination The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 60 \ 80 \ 100 \ 120 pts. Now the magic damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the character's magic power has been adjusted: from 70 \ 80 \ 90 \ 80 \ 100%, to 110 \ 115 \ 125 \ 135%. The duration of the “Aggression” effect has been adjusted: from 4.6 \ 5.4 \ 6.2 \ 7 sec., to 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 9 sec. Increased PvP-target limit: from 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5, to 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Maximum number of PvE-targets for skill damage: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Added a "Block" check to skill damage. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Harad's Banner The amount of damage from the character's magic power has been adjusted from 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 50% to 40 \ 45 \ 50 \ 60% every 2 sec. for 8 \ 10 \ 10 \ 12 sec. Added limitation of the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Sun Seal Reduced the cooldown time of the skill: from 30 sec. to 20 sec. The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 pts. per level. Changed damage type from magical to predominantly physical or magical. The type of damage depends on the character's predominant physical or magical power. The amount of damage from the character's magic power has been adjusted: from 100 \ 110 \ 120 \ 130%, to 130 \ 135 \ 145 \ 160%. Added an increase in damage from the physical strength of the character: 115 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140%. Added a "Parry" check to skill damage. The final magic damage of the skill has changed: instant damage significantly increased, damage per minute slightly increased. Harad's Call Increased the range of the skill from 4 yards to 5 yards. The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 20 \ 50 \ 60 \ 70 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the character's magical power has been adjusted: from 100 \ 110 \ 125 \ 145%, to 140 \ 145 \ 155 \ 170%. The chance of triggering the “Stun” effect has been increased: from 75 \ 85 \ 95 \ 100%, to 100%. The duration of the “Stun” effect now depends on the level of skill development: from 2 sec., to 1 \ 1.5 \ 2 \ 3 sec. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Added separate checks for skill damage and skill effect: damage can only be negated by the “Block” \ “Dodge” parameters, the effect - by the “Resistance” parameter. Adjusted the chance of applying the “Stun” negative effect on bosses: from 5% to 30%. The final magic damage of the skill has slightly increased. Repellent Strike The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 30 \ 50 \ 70 \ 90 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 pts. per level. The amount of physical damage from the character's physical strength has been adjusted: from 100 \ 110 \ 125 \ 145%, to 130 \ 135 \ 145 \ 160%. The knockback effect will no longer work on targets with debuff immunity. The amount of restored health has been reduced from 5 \ 10 \ 15 \ 20% to 5 \ 8 \ 12 \ 15%. The final physical damage of the skill has slightly decreased. Sacred Shield The amount of damage absorbed by the shield has been adjusted from 30 \ 45 \ 55 \ 70% to 40 \ 55 \ 65 \ 80% of the character's maximum health. Shield amount is now based on the Paladin's health instead of the target's health. Light Defense Adjusted the duration of the effect: from 30 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60 sec., to 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80 sec. Paladin's Prayer Reduced the cooldown of the skill from 40 sec. to 32 sec. Developer’s commentary: Paladin shows great dynamics in both builds: both magical and physical, so we’ve made improvements in both directions. The Paladin in the build with an emphasis on magical power received a significant increase in damage, while the “physical” Paladin got the opportunity to better realize their defensive potential, and both builds will now be able to initiate the fight even more efficiently. These adjustments should solidify the Paladin's position and make it an even more understandable and productive class. It is also important to focus on changing the cooldown duration of the key “Chains of Justice” control class skill. This measure was necessary due to the excessive final effectiveness of the skill even in single battles, not to mention the ability to use it on a large number of targets. Mage Fire Ball Increased skill cooldown time from 7 sec. to 8 sec. Now the amount of damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill: from 54 \ 72 \ 96 \ 120 \ 144 pts. and 108 \ 112 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125% of the character's magical power, to 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 130 \ 140 \ 150 \ 160 \ 170% of the character's magical power. The final magic damage of the skill has changed: instant damage slightly increased, damage per minute practically unchanged. Time Warp The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 26 \ 52 \ 78 \ 104 \ 130 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the character's magic power has been adjusted: from 110 \ 112 \ 114 \ 116 \ 118%, to 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 135 \ 145%. With the development of the skill, the maximum number of PvE-targets increases: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Decreased PvP-target limit: from 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7, to 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. The final magic damage of the skill has slightly increased. Shattered Stone The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 26 \ 39 \ 52 \ 65 \ 78 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the character's magic power has been adjusted: from 106 \ 107 \ 108 \ 109 \ 110%, to 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140%. Added a limit on the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Decreased PvP-target limit: from 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7, to 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. The chance of triggering the “Stun” effect has been increased: from 20 \ 25 \ 35 \ 45 \ 60%, to 100%. The duration of the “Stun” effect has been adjusted: from 1 \ 1.3 \ 1.7 \ 2 \ 2.5 sec., to 1 \ 1.1 \ 1.2 \ 1.35 \ 1.5 sec. Now the lesser class talent “Shattered Stone” increases the duration of the “Stun” effect from the skill by 0.2 \ 0.4 \ 0.6 sec.Separated checks for damage and effect: damage can only be negated by Dodge \ Block, and the effect can only be affected by Resistance. The final magic damage of the skill has slightly increased. Illusory Chains Effect duration adjusted from 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 \ 4 sec. to 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 \ 4 \ 4.5 sec. Decreased PvP-target limit: from 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7, to 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Blazing Ground Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 3 \ 5 \ 7 \ 9 pts. per level. The amount of DOT-damage from the character's magic power has been adjusted from 50 \ 80 \ 110 \ 160% for 6 sec. to 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30% every 1 sec. within 6 sec. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Removed the stopping of the character when taking damage from a skill. Added checks for "Dodge" \ "Block". The final magic damage of the skill has slightly decreased. Ethereal Barrier Adjusted the damage accumulation time for activating the protective barrier: from 2 sec. to 3 sec. Reduced the amount of damage required to activate the protective barrier: from 25 \ 20 \ 15 \ 10% of maximum health, to 20 \ 16 \ 12 \ 8%. Increased the duration of the protective barrier: from 0.25 \ 0.35 \ 0.45 \ 0.55 sec., now 0.3 \ 0.4 \ 0.5 \ 0.6 sec. Dragon Eye Reduced the cooldown of the skill from 30 sec. to 25 sec. The skill can now only be used on yourself or party members. skill no longer increases the “Attack Speed” parameter of the character. The duration of the effect has been increased: from 10 \ 12 \ 14 \ 16 sec., to 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. Now the chance of detecting the enemy decreases depending on the distance to the target: the further the target, the lower the chance. Frostbolt The skill no longer has a base damage, it was 54 \ 54 \ 54 \ 54 pts. Now the damage of the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the character's magical power has been adjusted: from 100 \ 108 \ 125 \ 140%, to 135 \ 145 \ 160 \ 180%. Separated checks for damage and effect: damage can only be negated by Dodge \ Block, and the effect can only be affected by Resistance. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Overload The maximum number of effects from the skill on the enemy has been changed from 1 to 30. Adjusted the duration of the damage from the skill: it was every 1 sec for 4 sec, it became every 2 sec. within 8 sec. Roaring Flame The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 55 \ 65 \ 85 \ 105 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the character's magical power has been adjusted: from 105 \ 106 \ 107 \ 108%, to 110 \ 120 \ 135 \ 150%. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Added checks for "Dodge" \ "Block". The total magic damage of the skill has slightly increased. Ennoblement Skill effect no longer removes DOT-damage effects from the target. Aura of Fire The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 65 \ 80 \ 90 \ 110 pts. The amount of damage from the character's magic power has been adjusted: from 16 \ 20 \ 25 \ 29%, to 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40% every 2.3 sec. Added limit for maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Developer commentary: Mage did not need massive changes, but we could not leave him without “polishing”. Skills that dealt damage that lagged behind the average have been buffed, while skills that were overly prominent have been nerfed. These adjustments are intended to make the class more stable and understandable. Priest Harad’s Tears Skill cooldown increased from 6 sec. to 7 sec. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill: from 45 \ 65 \ 85 \ 105 \ 125 pts. base damage and 105 \ 107 \ 109 \ 111 \ 113% of the character's magical power, to 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. base damage and 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130% of the character's magical power. The mechanism for searching for additional targets has been changed: now the skill with a 20% chance additionally attacks 6 additional targets, with a 35% chance - 5 additional targets, with a 50% chance - 4 additional targets, with a 65% chance - 3 additional targets, with a 80% chance - 2 additional targets. The search for additional targets now occurs around the enemy on which the skill is applied. The final magic damage of the skill has changed: instant damage practically unchanged, damage per minute slightly decreased. Replaced the effect of the “Harad’s Tears +” talent, now it increases the power of the skill from magical power of the character by 2 \ 3.5 \ 5%. Valor Aura Increased the bonus to physical and magical power from skill: from 4 \ 8 \ 12 \ 16, to 9 \ 12 \ 15 \ 18%. Word of Power The mechanics of the skill has been changed: now the skill applies a negative effect "Vow of the Curse" on the enemy for 6 sec. The effect increases the character's energy consumption when using skills (does not affect continuous skills) by 45 \ 55 \ 65 \ 80 \ 100%. The effect is active until the enemy uses 2 \ 2 \ 2 \ 3 \ 3 skills, or until the end of the duration. If the effect expires, and the enemy does not use 2 \ 2 \ 2 \ 3 \ 3 skills, then they will receive magic damage in the amount of 120 \ 125 \ 135 \ 145 \ 160% of the character's magic power. Increased the range of the skill: from 4, to 5 yards. Armistice Increased the chance of applying the "Armistice" negative effect on bosses from 25% to 75% at all levels. Healing Touch Now the amount of healing from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 \ 4 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of healing from the skill: from 70 \ 100 \ 120 \ 140 \ 170 pts. and 100 \ 112 \ 116 \ 124 \ 135% of the character's magical power, to 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 115 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140 \ 155% of the character's magical power. Increased the range of the skill from 4 yards to 5 yards. The final healing of the skill has practically unchanged. Holy Shield Increased the range of the skill from 4 yards to 5 yards. Elusive Threat Now the skill deals magic damage 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 40% of the character's magical power and 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5% of maximum energy for each yard that the affected enemy moves. The calculation of the number of yards occurs only if it is possible to build a path between the start and end points. The enemy's transition between locations is not counted as movement. Skill damage now has 4 \ 8 \ 12 \ 15% increased "Penetration" parameter. Now the skill has no damage limit. Removed "Dodge"/ "Block" checks for skill damage. The skill no longer drains enemy health. Payback The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 65 \ 85 \ 105 \ 125 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Changed the increase in damage from missing health: now the skill's damage is increased by 1% for each missing 1% of the enemy's maximum health. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: from 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130% of the character's magical power, to 145 \ 160 \ 180 \ 200% of the character's magical power. The skill can now deal critical damage. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Redemption Now the amount of healing from the skill does not depend on the base growth: it was 70 \ 100 \ 130 \ 160 pts. Now the amount of healing from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 pts. per level. The amount of healing from the skill has been adjusted: from 80 \ 100 \ 140 \ 180% of the character's magical power, to 150 \ 165 \ 185 \ 210% of the character's magical power. Added a limit to the maximum number of negative effects removed from each target: 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5. Now the effect of the skill does not remove DOT-damage effects from the target. The final healing of the skill has practically unchanged. Gods' Help The skill can now only be cast on self or party members. The size of the bonus to the “Critical Damage” parameter has been adjusted: from 5 \ 10 \ 20 \ 35%, to 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 30%. Mystic Mark Adjusted the duration of the effect at all levels of development: from 20 sec. to 15 sec. Increased the reduction in physical and magical defense of the target from 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25% to 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30%. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: from 135 \ 150 \ 165 \ 200% of the character's magic power, to 140 \ 150 \ 165 \ 185% from the magical power of the character. Skill damage now triggers instantly if the effect of the skill triggered the “Resistance” parameter or was prematurely removed from the enemy. The skill can now deal critical damage. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Decreased PvP-target limit: from 4 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6, to 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. The final magic damage of the skill has slightly decreased. Exhausting Burden Adjusted enemy attack damage reduction from 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50% to 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80%. Now, when the skill is triggered, the enemy will be thrown 2 yards away from the character. Increased the cooldown time: from 16 to 12 seconds. Punishment of the Light Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill to the target: from 110 \ 115 \ 113 \ 114% of the character's magic power, to 120 \ 130 \ 145 \ 160% of the character's magic power. The amount of damage from the skill to enemies around the target has been adjusted: from 70 \ 80 \ 95 \ 110% of the character's magic power, to 100 \ 105 \ 115 \ 130% of the character's magic power. Increased the chance of applying the “Mute” effect: from 65 \ 70 \ 80 \ 90%, to 100%. Added limit for maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Added separation of defensive checks for the main target and enemies around the target. Added separate checks for damage and skill effect: damage can only go to "Dodge"/ "Block", effect can only go to "Resistance". Added a check for the chance of inflicting a Critical Strike when dealing damage to additional targets. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Resurrection Increased the amount of health on resurrection: from 5 \ 15 \ 25 \ 35, to 25 \ 50 \ 75 \ 100%. Increased the amount of energy on resurrection: from 5 \ 10 \ 15 \ 20, to 25 \ 50 \ 75 \ 100%. Talent "Remorse" Reduced the amount of negative effects necessary to trigger the talent: from 2 to 1. Developer commentary: Priest is the most powerful ally support class in their alliance, but had some difficulties with some of his abilities. Therefore, we have completely redesigned a number of skills and hope that the new features of this class will be implemented. In addition, the damage from some of the Priest's skills has increased significantly, and the conditions for dealing damage have been simplified, which will allow the Priest to prove themselves worthy in both PvE and PvP battles. Seeker Splitting Skill cooldown increased from 6 sec. to 10 sec. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill: from 48 \ 55 \ 70 \ 85 \ 100 pts. and 105 \ 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125% of the character's physical strength, to 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. and 140 \ 145 \ 150 \ 155 \ 160% of the character's physical strength. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage significantly increased, damage per minute significantly decreased. Harad's Shield Adjusted how the shield bonus is applied so that the bonus now activates after the effect ends. Now, instead of increasing physical strength, the effect gives a bonus a reduction in all incoming damage to the character by 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5% for 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 sec. for every 20% of damage absorbed from the shield's maximum durability. Group and empower relics now work on both effects of the skill: both on the shield and on the bonus to physical and magical protection. Inspiration Effect duration adjusted from 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35 sec. to 22 \ 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. Exacerbation The skill now increases the “Attack Power” parameter by 6.5 \ 7.5 \ 9 \ 10.5 \ 12.5% for each equipped dagger and increases the physical strength of the character by 8 \ 10 \ 13 \ 16 \ 20% for any equipped two-handed weapon. Disappearance Increased the cooldown of the skill from 8 sec. to 12 sec. Now in the first 2 sec. after using the skill, enemies cannot detect the character or bring them out of invisibility using attacks or skills. The skill can now be cast while in combat if there are no enemies around the character within 8 yards. Added an additional check for effect of the skill: it can only be affected by Resistance. Adjusted the chance of "Stun" negative effect: from 40 \ 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80%, to 100%. Adjusted duration of negative effect "Stun" from the skill: from 3 to 1.5 \ 1.7 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 sec. Dangerous Blow Skill cooldown increased from 13 sec. to 16 sec. The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 100 \ 120 \ 140 \ 160 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 pts. per level. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 60 \ 65 \ 70 \ 75% of the character's physical strength, now it is 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 130% of the character's physical strength. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 pts. per level. The skill no longer has a base DOT-damage: it was 120 \ 160 \ 200 \ 280 pts. Adjusted the amount of DOT-damage from the skill: from 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100% of the character's physical strength for 12 sec., to 55 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80% of the character's physical strength every 3 sec. for 12 sec. Talent "Splitting Blow+" has been replaced with "Dangerous Blow+". "Dangerous Blow+" increases skill power from character's physical strength. Bleeding is now applied to the enemy with a chance equal to the value of the "Critical Strike" parameter, and not on a skill critical attack, as it was before. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage has significantly increased, damage per minute has slightly increased. The final physical DOT-damage of the skill has significantly increased. Sun Nets Now casts on all enemies within 1 yard of the caster without selecting a target. Within 3 sec. after use, the character can use the “Disappearance” skill even in a combat state and if there are opponents nearby. Now, when using the skill, the Seeker loses the target of the attack. Splitting Blow DOT-damage from the skill no longer depends on the character's level: it was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 pts. per level. The skill no longer has a base DOT-damage: it was 120 \ 160 \ 200 \ 280 pts. Adjusted the amount of DOT-damage from the skill: from 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100% of the character's physical strength for 12 sec., to 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 55% of the character's physical strength every 3 sec. for 12 sec. The skill no longer slows the enemy's movement speed. The skill now applies the “Deep Wounds” effect to the enemy, which reduces any incoming healing by 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 40%. Separated checks for damage and effect: damage can only be negated by Dodge \ Parry \ Block, and the effect can only be affected by Resistance. The final physical DOT-damage of the skill has significantly increased. Attraction Increased the range of the skill from 5 yards to 6 yards. The skill no longer applies the “Mute” effect to the enemy. Inner Rage Physical strength bonus from the skill has been adjusted from 10 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40% to 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 30%. Bloodthirst Skill cooldown increased from 14 sec. to 18 sec. The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 100 \ 110 \ 125 \ 150% of the character's physical strength, now it is 135 \ 145 \ 160 \ 180% of the character's physical strength. Healing from the skill now triggers from any “Bleeding” effect applied to the enemy. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage has slightly increased, damage per minute has slightly decreased. Exhaustive Blow Skill cooldown increased 12 sec. to 14 sec. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 30 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60% of the character's physical strength, now it is 95 \ 100 \ 105 \ 115% of the character's physical strength. Now the enemy's "Dodge" parameter deacreases not only after the end of the "Stun" effect, but simultaneously with the use of the skill. The final physical damage of the skill has significantly increase. Added additional checks for damage and effects of the skill: now the damage can only be negated by Dodge \ Block \ Parry, and the effects can only be affected by Resistance. Attack Instinct Now if the skill is active, the skills “Splitting”, “Dangerous Blow” and “Splitting Blow” will additionally apply to targets within 1 yard with when the skill is active with damage reduced by 80 \ 75 \ 65 \ 50% . Added limit for maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Talent "Remaining Acceleration" Increased the duration of the "Remaining Acceleration" buff from 5 seconds to 6 seconds. Developer commentary: Due to its dynamics, simplicity and ability to deal high damage, the Seeker is still a very strong opponent and a real monster slayer, but at the same time somewhat one-sided. We've slightly nerfed the Seeker's main offensive buffs and made a number of major fixes to the second potential character build, with two-handed weapons. This build is focused on dealing DOT-damage through bleed skills, the damage of which has been greatly increased. A new combination with the “Attack Instinct” skill will allow you to effectively show your class in this build and in mass battles. Templar Blame Adjusted the amount of magical damage from the skill: from 40 \ 50 \ 65 \ 80 \ 100 pts. and 110 \ 115 \ 130 \ 160 \ 180% of the character's magical power, to 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 115 \ 130 \ 145 \ 160 \ 175% of the character's magical power. The final magical damage of the skill has practically unchanged. Adjusted the range of the skil: from 4 to 5 yards. Whirlwind of Repentance This attack now deals an additional base physical damage to all enemies equal to 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. Added a limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Increased PvP-target limit: from 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 4 \ 5, to 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Separated checks for damage and effect: damage can only be negated by Dodge \ Block, and the effect can only be affected by Resistance. The final physic damage of the skill has practically unchanged. Reverse Flow Adjusted the dome activation period: from 1 sec., to 1.3 sec. at all skill levels. Dome duration changed from 3 \ 4 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 sec. to 2.6 \ 3.9 \ 3.9 \ 5.2 \ 6.5 sec. Decreased PvP-target limit: from 3 \ 4 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6, to 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Now the small class talent "Reverse Flow" increases the duration of the zone from the skill by 1.3 sec. Increased the chance of using the dome on bosses and mini-bosses: from 15% to 30% at all levels of development. Grace Increased the cooldown of the skill from 24 sec. to 25 sec. Adjusted the duration of the effect of the skill: from 10 \ 12 \ 15 \ 17 \ 20 sec., to 22 \ 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. Harad's Teachings Effect range adjusted from 3 yards to 5 yards at all skill levels. The damage type of the skill now depends on the character's predominant physical or magical power. Damage modifier from character's magical strength: 30 \ 40 \ 50 \ 65%. Mantra of Healing Reduced the cooldown of the skill from 46 sec. to 40 sec. Adjusted the amount of healing from 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7% of maximum health to 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5% of maximum health. Deity Statue Now if the enemy attacks the statue, then the damage on it is calculated as for a PvP target. Sucker Punch Adjusted the amount of physical damage from the skill: from 120 \ 150 \ 180 \ 220%, to 150 \ 165 \ 180 \ 200% of the character's physical strength. Added a Parry check to skill damage. The final physical damage of the skill has slightly decreased. Particle of Life The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 100 \ 110 \ 130 \ 150% of the character's physical strength, now it is 120 \ 125 \ 135 \ 150% of the character's physical strength. Now the amount of damage from the summoned monster does not depend on the level of the character: it was 0.5 pts. per level. The amount of magic damage from the summoned monster has been adjusted: from 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50 pts. from the magical power of the character, to 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. from the magical power of the character. The summoned monster now inherits the critical damage bonus from the "Crushing Will" skill. Now the summoned monster inherits the parameters “Critical Damage”, “Critical Healing”, “Piercing Attack” from the character. The resulting physical damage of the skill has not changed. The final magical damage from the monster has practically unchanged. Touch of Truth Increased PvP-target limit: from 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 5, to 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Onslaught Separated checks for damage and effect: damage can only be negated by Dodge \ Parry \ Block, and the effect can only be affected by Resistance. Developer commentary: Interest in the Templar is constantly growing, because this class has great untapped potential. However, although there was no doubt about the effectiveness of the class in mass and single PvP-battles, then in the PvE-direction there were still a number of points that could prevent the class from feeling comfortable. Now the build with a focus on magical power has received a number of important improvements that will increase the productivity of the Templar in PvE-battles. Firstborn Blade Dancer Flash Strike Skill cooldown increased from 8 sec. to 10 sec. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 40 \ 50 \ 70 \ 85 \ 100 pts. and 104 \ 106 \ 108 \ 110 \ 112% of the character's physical strength, now it is 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. and 140 \ 145 \ 150 \ 155 \ 160% of the character's physical strength. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage significantly increased, damage per minute slightly increased. Sap Skill cooldown increased from 10 sec. to 15 sec. Adjusted the reduction of physical and magical power: from 12 \ 14 \ 16 \ 20 \ 25%, to 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 40%. Hamstring Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 20 \ 35 \ 50 \ 65 \ 80 pts. Adjusted the amount of physical damage from the skill: from 102 \ 104 \ 106 \ 108 \ 110% of the character's physical power for 6 sec., to 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 50% of the character's physical power every 2 sec. for 6 sec. The final physical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Parry Skill cooldown increased from 20 sec. to 30 sec. The bonus to the “Parry” parameter has been adjusted: it was 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5%, now it is 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10%. Rush The chance of triggering the “Stun” effect has been increased: it was 43 \ 52 \ 61 \ 70%, now it is 100% at all skill levels. The duration of the “Stun” effect has been adjusted: it was 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 sec., now it is 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 sec. The duration of the “Aggression” effect has been adjusted: it was 5 \ 5.8 \ 6.6 \ 7.4 sec., now it is 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 9 sec. New skill “Vortex Blade” (instead of skill “Aggression”) Type: Active Energy expense: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14 \ 16 units. Cooldown: 14 sec. An attack that deals the physical damage 105 \ 110 \ 115 \ 125 \ 135% of the character's physical strength to all enemies within 1 yard of the character. The skill deals 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 40% more damage from the character's physical strength to targets affected by the “Bleeding” debuff. Maximum number of PvP-targets: 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6, PvE-targets: 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. With the development of the skill, the damage from the skill, the strength of the effect and the number of targets increase. List of available relics: Attack: “Relic of Physical Exhaustion”, “Relic of Magic Exhaustion”, “Relic of Awkwardness”, “Relic of Slowing”, “Small Relic of Physical Exhaustion”, “Small Relic of Magic Exhaustion”, “Small Relic of Awkwardness”, “Small Relic of Slowing”, “Magic Relic of Unstable Curse”, “Terrible Relic of Life Weakness”. Empower: “Great Relic of Punishing Ability”, “Great Relic of Defense Ignoring”, “Great Relic of Sudden Strength”, “Great Relic of Spirit Refresh”, “Great Relic of Multiple Spells”, “Small Relic of Punishing Ability”, “Small Relic of Defense Ignoring”, “Small Relic of Sudden Strength”, “Small Relic of Spirit Refresh”, “Small Relic of Multiple Spells”, “Icy Relic of Ruthlessness”, “Icy Relic of Cruelty”. Defence: “Relic of Deadliness”, “Small Relic of Deadliness”, “Relic of Accuracy”, “Small Relic of Accuracy”, “Ice Relic of Piercing”. Group: “Relic of United Extermination”, “Relic of the United Pressure”. After the release of the update, the relics that were in the “Aggression” skill will be replaced as follows: Attack: “Relic of Absolute Powerlessness”, “Terrible Relic of Deadly Infection”, “Ice Relic of Captivity”, “Relic of Physical Helplessness”, “Relic of Fatigue” will be replaced to “Relic of Physical Exhaustion” and “Relic of Magic Exhaustion”. “Small Relic of Absolute Powerlessness”, “Small Relic of Physical Helplessness”, “Small Relic of Lack of Fatigue” will be replaced to “Small Relic of Physical Exhaustion” and “Small Relic of Magic Exhaustion”. Defence: “Relic of Agility”, “Relic of Physical Resistance”, “Relic of Magic Resistance”, “Relic of Physical Might”, “Relic of Shield Master”, “Relic of Reflection”, “Magic Relic of Deceptive Control”, “Terrible Relic of Vampirism”, “Magic Relic of Physical Blocking”, “Magic Relic of Magical Blocking” will be replaced to “Relic of Accuracy” and “Relic of Deadliness”. “Small Relic of Agility”, “Small Relic of Physical Resistance”, “Small Relic of Magic Resistance”, “Small Relic of Physical Might”, “Small Relic of Shield Master”, “Small Relic of Reflection” will be replaced to “Small Relic of Deadliness” and “Small Relic of Accuracy”. “Icy Relic of Retribution” will be replaced to “Ice Relic of Piercing”. Empower: “Great Relic of Inaccessibility”, “Great Relic of Concentration”, “Great Relic of Menace”, “Great Relic of Continuous Effect” will be replaced to “Great Relic of Punishing Ability” and “Great Relic of Defense Ignoring”. “Small Relic of Concentration”, “Small Relic of Menace”, “Small Relic of Continuous Effect” will be replaced to “Small Relic of Defense Ignoring” and “Small Relic of Punishing Ability”. Group: “Relic of Exclusive Attack” will be replaced to “Relic of United Extermination”. “Relic of the Exceptional Threat” will be replaced to “Relic of the United Pressure”. Sonic Boom The mechanics of the skill has been changed: now the skill applies the negative effects "Bleeding" and "Blunting" to the target and all enemies within a radius of 2 yards around the target. The "Bleeding" effect deals periodic physical damage in the amount of 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 55% of the character's physical strength every 3 sec. for 12 sec. The "Blunting" effect reduces the "Dodge" parameter of all affected targets by 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25%. The maximum number of PvP-targets: 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6, the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Increased the range of the skill from 3 yards to 2 yards. Counterattack The skill now triggers on any auto-attack or attack with a skill that deals instant damage to the character, even if it has gone into defensive parameters. Adjusted the amount of physical damage from the skill: from 25 \ 32 \ 36 \ 40% of the character's physical power, to 25 \ 32 \ 40 \ 50% of the character's physical power. The skill's damage is now an auto-attack, it retains all relevant checks for damage. The duration of the effect has been adjusted: it was 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14 sec., now it is 10 \ 12 \ 14 \ 16 sec. Enlightenment Skill cooldown increased from 20 sec. to 30 sec. Now the skill increases "Penetration" by 3 \ 6 \ 9 \ 12% and "Skill Cooldown" by 9 \ 15 \ 22 \ 30% instead of the parameters "Accuracy" and "Dodge". The duration of the effect has been increased: it was 14 \ 16 \ 18 \ 20 sec., now it is 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. Strike Hurricane Now the skill increases the “Accuracy” parameter by 3 \ 6 \ 9 \ 12% instead of the “Skill Cooldown” parameter. The duration of the effect has been increased: it was 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25 sec., now it is 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. Mark of the Blade Skill cooldown increased from 15 sec. to 24 sec. The mechanics of the skill has been changed: now the skill applies the "Mark of the Blade" buff to the character for 10 \ 12 \ 14 \ 16 sec. The effect restores 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5% of the character's maximum health on each successful basic attack or skill attack that deals instant damage, but no more than 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 times. Spirit of Resistance The skill effect has been adjusted: now each effect allows you to ignore only the control effect received by the character. Blades' Power Now the effect of the skill increases the bonus of the “Attack Strength” parameter by 4 \ 7.5 \ 12 \ 15% for each equipped dagger. Now the effect of the skill increases physical strength by 2 \ 3.5 \ 6 \ 7.5% and the bonus of the “Attack Strength” parameter by 2 \ 3.5 \ 6 \ 7.5% for each equipped one-handed sword. Now the effect of the skill increases physical strength by 3 \ 6 \ 10 \ 12,5% for each equipped one-handed axe. The skill bonus is calculated in real time. Developer commentary: In most game situations, the Blade Dancer is used as a damage damager class, and only secondarily is it seen as a tank by players. For this reason, we decided to strengthen the popular role of this class, allowing the Blade Dancer to realize itself much more effectively both in solo battles and in mass battles, as well as resorting to the use of different equipment and skills. We think that Blade Dancer's positioning as a high-damage class will only get stronger going forward. Ranger Powerful Shot Skill cooldown reduced from 10 sec. to 8 sec. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of physical damage from the skill: from 30 \ 45 \ 60 \ 75 \ 90 pts. and 104 \ 108 \ 112 \ 116 \ 120% of the character's physical power, to 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. and 100 \ 103 \ 106 \ 109 \ 112% of the character's physical power. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage slightly decreased, damage per minute slightly increased. Scatter Shot The duration of the effect has been adjusted: it was 1.5 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3.5 \ 4.5 sec., now it is 1.5 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 4 sec. “Terrible Relic of Control” added to the list of available relics. Beast Trap Fixed a bug due to which the target under the effect of the skill could move between locations. Evasion Adjusted the duration of the effect: it was 15 sec., now it is 10 sec. at all levels of skill. Ranger's Blessing The skill can now deal critical damage. Now the damage from the skill cannot stun the enemy. Fire Arrows Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 30 \ 45 \ 60 \ 75 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of physical damage from the skill: from 60% of the character's physical power, to 55 \ 60 \ 65 \ 70% of the character's physical power. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 5 \ 6 \ 7 \ 8 pts. per level. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 100 \ 120 \ 140 \ 200 pts. Changed the type of DOT-damage from the skill: it was magical, it became physical. The DOT-damage now deals 45 \ 50 \ 55 \ 65% of the character's physical power every 2 sec. for 8 sec. The final physical damage of the skill has slightly reduced. The final DOT-damage of the skill has changed: instant damage slightly reduced, damage per minute slightly increased. Adjusted the amount of bonus from the “Fire Arrows+” talent: from 3 \ 6 \ 9%, to 0.75 \ 1.5 \ 2.25% of the character’s physical power. Explosive Trap Increased the range of the skill from 1 yards to 2 yards. Skill cooldown increased from 7 sec. to 10 sec. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 30 \ 45 \ 60 \ 75 pts. Now the physic damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 pts. per level. The trap now triggers if an enemy enters the trap's area of effect. Now the trap inherits from the character the attacking parameters “Critical Hit”, “Critical Damage”, “Accuracy”, “Penetration”, “Ferocity”, “Rage of the Deep”. Now the trap does not disappear if the character has moved to another location. Adjusted the amount of physical damage from the skill: from 70 \ 80 \ 90 \ 100% of the character's physical power, to 100 \ 105 \ 115 \ 125% of the character's physical power. Changed skill damage on additional targets: from 50% to 100% at all levels of skill. Added limit for maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Added a short delay before triggering the trap if an enemy appears in its area of effect. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage practically unchanged, damage per minute slightly increased. Hail of Arrows Skill cooldown reduced from 26 sec. to 22 sec. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 25 \ 45 \ 60 \ 75 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 3 \ 5 \ 8 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of physical damage from the skill: from 102 \ 106 \ 110 \ 114% of the character's physical power, to 110 \ 120 \ 135 \ 150% of the character's physical power. Added limit for maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. The final physical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Point Shooting The bonus of the “Accuracy” parameter has been adjusted: it was 8 \ 12 \ 16 \ 20%, now it is 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 12%. Hunter's Cage The duration of the effect has been adjusted: it was 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 sec., now it is 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 sec. Bow Strike Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 10 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of physical damage from the skill: from 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80% of the character's physical power, to 115 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140% of the character's physical power. Now the damage of the skill can go into the defensive parameter “Parry”. Added separate checks for skill damage and the “Stun” debuff. The final physical damage of the skill has significantly increased. Talent "Slowing Trap +" has been replaced by "Bow strike +" that increases the duration of the skill’s effect by 0.5 seconds. New skill “Piercing anger” (instead of skill “Slowing Trap”) Type: Active Energy expense: 14 \ 16 \ 18 \ 20 units. Cooldown: 30 sec. Places the "Piercing anger" buff on the character for 25 sec. While affected, applies the "Curbed rage" buff to the character for 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 15 sec. after each critical attack. The effect increases the parameter "Critical Damage" by 2 \ 4 \ 6 \ 8%. The maximum number of effects is 4. With the development of the skill, the strength and duration of the effect increase. Vengeful Shot Adjusted the amount of physical damage from the skill: from 90 \ 100 \ 110 \ 120% of the character's physical power, to 70 \ 80 \ 90 \ 100% of the character's physical power. Adjusted the amount of DOT-damage from the skill: from 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25% of the character's physical strength every 1 sec. for 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 sec., to 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50% of the character's physical strength every 2 sec. for 12 sec. The “Bleeding” debuff is now applied to all targets of the skill. Now the amount of physical damage from the skill is reduced by 10% for each next enemy. Now the duration of the effect does not decrease for each next enemy. Adjusted the limit of the maximum number of PvE-targets: it was 5 \ 6 \ 7 \ 8, now it is 8 \ 10 \ 10 \ 10. The duration of the negative effect "Stun" from the skill has been adjusted: it was 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5, now it is 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 4 seconds. The final physical damage of the skill has slightly reduced. The final DOT-damage of the skill has not changed. Bitterness Skill buffs can no longer be removed from the character by skills that remove buffs from the target. Developer commentary: Ranger, being one of the most popular classes, caused a lot of heated debate about the effectiveness of a number of skills. First of all, this concerns the speed of damage in PvP-battles and insufficient potential in battles with monsters. With a ranged advantage, the Ranger is often on par with the melee classes. We have made the decision not to reduce the damage of the class, but only to stretch it out over time, which will make it necessary to make more balanced decisions about positioning and more often resort to the help of allies. If we talk about PvE-direction, then thanks to the new skill, the final efficiency of the class in such battles will increase. Druid Lightning Blot Now the magic damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill: from 35 \ 55 \ 75 \ 95 \ 115 pts. and 104 \ 105 \ 106 \ 107 \ 108% of the character's magic power, to 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130% of the character's magic power. The final magic damage of the skill has slightly increased. Barkskin Skill cooldown increased from 14 sec. to 20 sec. Adjusted the reduction in the “Penetration” parameter of the enemy from the key class talent "Thorn Bush": from 3.5% to 4.5%. Increased the range of the skill from 4 yards to 5 yards. Healing Dew Now the healing from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 3,5 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of periodic healing from the skill: from 180 \ 210 \ 220 \ 240 \ 270 pts. and 110 \ 150 \ 180 \ 210 \ 240% of the character's magical power for 15 sec., to 6 \ 11 \ 16 \ 21 \ 26 pts. and 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 55% of the character's magical power every 3 sec. for 15 sec. The final healing of the skill has practically unchanged. Insect Swarm Now the magic DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Now the magic DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 30 \ 45 \ 65 \ 80 \ 95 pts. Adjusted the amount of magical DOT-damage from the skill: from 103 \ 104 \ 105 \ 106 \ 107% of the character's magical strength for 8 sec., to 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 50% of the character's magical strength every 2 sec. for 8 sec. The final magical DOT-damage of the skill has significantly increased. Forest Song The duration of the effect has been adjusted: it was 3.4 \ 4.6 \ 5.8 \ 7 sec., now it is 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 sec. Invigorating Stream Changed the type of skill from active to active skill of constant action: energy regeneration reduction 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 10 units. The mechanics of the skill has been changed: now the skill restores health in the amount of 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35% of the character's magical power and energy in the amount of 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 15 pts. to character and all-party members every 5 sec. Additionally increases the "Skill Cooldown" parameter by 10 \ 12 \ 16 \ 20% for the character and all-party members for the duration of the skill. Now the bonus from the skill is calculated in real time, and not at the moment of application. Power of Water Now the magic damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 35 \ 55 \ 90 \ 112 pts. Now the magic damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Now the skill deals magical damage to the enemy in the amount of 140 \ 150 \ 165 \ 180% of the character's magical power and 50% of the character's magical power to all targets within a 2 yard radius around him. Added limit for maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Adjusted the limit of the maximum number of PvP-targets: it was 5, now it is 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. The final magical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage slightly increased, damage per minute significantly increased. Punitive Roots Skill cooldown reduced from 28 sec. to 20 sec. Now the magic DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 pts. per level. Now the magic DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 48 \ 72 \ 116 \ 132 pts. Adjusted the amount of magical DOT-damage from the skill: from 106 \ 108 \ 112 \ 125% of the character's magical strength for 4 sec., to 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 50% of the character's magical strength every 1 sec. for 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 sec. Added limit for maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Adjusted the limit of the maximum number of PvP-targets: it was 3 \ 4 \ 6 \ 7, now it is 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. The final magical DOT-damage of the skill has changed: instant damage significantly reduced, damage per minute significantly increased. Elemental Support Now the summoned monster inherits the parameters “Critical Damage”, “Critical Healing”, “Piercing” from the character. The summoned monster now inherits the critical damage bonus from the "Crushing Will" skill. Entangling roots The effect of a skill will no longer be replaced by other skills with a similar effect. Patronage of the Forest The duration of the effect has been adjusted: it was 10 \ 13 \ 16 \ 20 sec., now it is 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14 sec. Adjusted the range of the skill: from 3 to 4 yards. Secret Link The amount of the bonus to the parameter "Penetration" from the skill has been adjusted: it was 10 \ 14 \ 16 \ 18, now it is 10 \ 12 \ 14 \ 16%. Developer commentary: The Druid is gradually developing into a hybrid class, capable of not only helping allies, but also independently deals a significant amount of damage. We really like this position of the class, and we plan to further develop it. Some of the skills have been upgraded and balanced so that the Druid can more effectively realize the damage potential and choose different variations of the development of his abilities. In addition, we've reworked one of the most unpopular class skills “Invigorating Stream”, so that the Druid now has a permanent active skill in his arsenal. Warden Powerful Blow Skill cooldown increased from 9 sec. to 10 sec. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 25 \ 40 \ 55 \ 70 \ 85 pts. and 103 \ 105 \ 107 \ 109 \ 111% of the character's physical strength, now it is 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. and 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130 \ 135% of the character's physical strength. The final physical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Wave of Aggression The buff effect of the skill can no longer be removed from the character. Warden’s Spirit Added the maximum amount of damage absorbed by the shield: 500% of the character's maximum health at all levels of development. The property applies to the key class talent “Crowd Inspiration”. Shocking Blow The duration of the effect has been adjusted: it was 3 \ 3,5 \ 4 \ 4,5 \ 5 sec., now it is 2 \ 2,5 \ 3 \ 3,5 \ 4 sec. Punishment Now the skill reduces the "Accuracy" parameter of all enemies within 1 yard of the character. The size of the parameter reduction has been adjusted: it was 15 \ 25 \ 35 \ 45 \ 55%, now it is 5 \ 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25%. Added limit for maximum number of PvP-targets: 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. “Great Relic of Multiple Spells” and “Small Relic of Multiple Spells” were added to the list of available relics. Powerful Lunge Increased the range of the skill from 1 yards to 3 yards. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 25 \ 40 \ 55 \ 70 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2,5 \ 3 \ 3,5 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of physical damage from the skill: from 95 \ 105 \ 115 \ 125% of the character's physical strength to 125 \ 135 \ 145 \ 160% of the character's physical strength. Added limit for maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Parry check removed from skill damage. The final physical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Block Master Now the skill restores 8 \ 10 \ 13 \ 18% of the character's missing health from a monster attack and 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 12% of the character's missing health from a player's attack. Shield Throw Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 25 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of physical damage from the skill: from 95% of the character's physical strength to 115 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140% of the character's physical strength. The chance of triggering the “Stun” effect has been increased: it was 30 \ 45 \ 60 \ 75%, now it is 100%. Separated checks for damage and effect: damage can only be negated by Dodge \ Block, and the effect can only be affected by Resistance. The final physical damage of the skill has practically unchanged. Switcheroo The skill can no longer move the enemy while they are immune to debuffs. If the effect of the skill has gone into the “Resistance” defensive parameter, then the character will move to the enemy. Natural Resistance The duration of the effect has been adjusted: it was 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 15 sec., now it is 16 \ 18 \ 21 \ 25 sec. Stealing Power Now the skill additionally increases the character's "Attack Speed" parameter by 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 15% for the duration of the effect. The bonus of the “Attack Strength” parameter has been adjusted: it was 15 \ 25 \ 35 \ 60%, now it is 10 \ 15 \ 25 \ 40%. The class key talent “Thrill of the Hunt” now increases “Accuracy” parameter after each successful basic attack by 12% for 5 sec. instead of the "Attack Speed" parameter. The buff from the skill is now always applied to the character, even if the debuff from the skill has gone into "Resistance". Guard's Fury Adjusted the limit of the maximum number of PvP-targets: it was 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7, now it is 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Developer commentary: The Warden remained the canonical model of the tank for a long time, actually performing only this function. Since the one-sidedness of the class did not allow him to fully work in different game directions, the Warden did not receive attention from the players. We tried to refine the key skills of the class and fix a number of important bugs that hindered the development of the class. We hope that now the Warden will be able to feel more comfortable in the vastness of Arinar. Beastmaster Beast Awakening The monster now additionally inherits the "Resistance" and "Facilitation" parameters from the character. The summoned monster now inherits the critical damage bonus from the "Crushing Will" skill. Double Concentration Adjusted the duration of effects from the skill on the character and the monster: it was 12 sec., now it is 15 sec. The buff effect of the skill can no longer be removed from the character. Forest Symbol Reduced the range of the skill from 3 yards to 2 yards. The effect of the skill is now a control effect. Blessing of the Moon Skill cooldown increased from 24 sec. to 25 sec. The duration of the effect has been adjusted: it was 15 \ 18 \ 21 \ 24 sec., now it is 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. The duration of the effect from the key class talent “Full Moon” has been adjusted from 4 sec. to 8 sec. Return to the Roots When using the skill, all aggression towards the “Moon” monster is reduced to 1. Aura of the forest Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill: from 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 110% of the character's magical power, to 55 \ 65 \ 80 \ 100% of the character's magical power. Added limit for maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly reduced. Developer commentary: Very little time has passed since the appearance of the Beastmaster in the game, so it’s too early to talk about any global changes in his skills. We will continue to collect statistics and analyze feedback from players to form full conclusions for the next rebalance. Mountain Clans Barbarian Barbarian Nature Now the effect of the skill does not clear damage over time effects. Strong Blow Increased the cooldown of the skill from 9 sec. to 10 sec. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill: from 25 \ 40 \ 55 \ 70 \ 85 pts. and 104% of the character's physical strength, to 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. and 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130 \ 135% of the character's physical strength. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage practically unchanged, damage per minute slightly increased. Chop Increased the cooldown of the skill from 8 sec. to 10 sec. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Now the DOT-damage from the skill is not affected by the base damage: it was 30. The amount of DOT-damage from the skill has been adjusted from 104% of the character's physical strength for 12 sec. to 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40% of the character's physical strength every 3 sec. within 12 sec. Adjusted the amount of the increase in skill power from the physical strength of the character from the lesser class talent “Chop +”: from 5% to 1.5%. The resulting physical damage of the skill has significantly increased. Roar Changed the maximum PvP-targets limit: from 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7, to 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Taunt Corrected the duration of the effect from 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 9 \ 10 sec. to 5 \ 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 9 sec. Charge The cast range of the skill has been adjusted from 5 yards to 4 yards. The skill no longer has a base physical damage: it was 10 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 3 pts. per level. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted: from 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 50% of the character's physical strength, to 65 \ 70 \ 75 \ 80 \ 90% of the character's physical strength. Increased the chance of triggering the “Stunning” effect: from 60 \ 65 \ 70 \ 75 \ 80%, to 100%. Added separate checks for skill damage and "Stunning" debuff: damage can only be negated by the “Block” \ “Dodge” \ “Parry” parameters, the debuff can only be affected by the “Resistance” parameter. Added checks for "Parry" and "Dodge" parameters for skill damage. Lesser class talent "Charge+" now increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.2 \ 0.4 \ 0.6 sec. (previously increased the chance of applying the effect by 4 \ 6 \ 9%). The final physical damage of the skill has significantly increased. Combat Fury Reduced the cooldown of the skill from 30 sec. to 25 sec. The skill now increases the character's "Accuracy" parameter by 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 12% (previously increased the character's physical strength by 5 \ 7 \ 10 \ 15%). The amount of instant health recovery from the skill has been adjusted: from 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25% of the character's maximum health, to 5 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10% of the character's maximum health. The skill now restores 1.5 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4% of the character's maximum health every 3 sec. for 12 sec. The duration of the effect has been adjusted: from 10 \ 12 \ 14 \ 16 sec., to 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. Shield Strike The skill no longer has a base physical damage: it was 40 \ 55 \ 70 \ 85 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 pts. per level. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted: from 95 \ 103 \ 110 \ 115% of the character's physical strength to 115 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140% of the character's physical strength. Increased the chance of triggering the "Stunning" effect: from 45 \ 57 \ 60 \ 75 \ 80%, to 100%. Added separate checks for skill damage and "Stunning" debuff: damage can only go to the “Block” \ “Dodge” \ “Parry” parameters, the effect can only go to the “Resistance” parameter. The final physical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Defeat The skill no longer has a base physical damage: it was 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted: from 80 \ 100 \ 115 \ 130% of the character's physical strength, to 120 \ 125 \ 135 \ 150% of the character's physical strength. Adjusted the amount of additional physical damage to the enemy, which is under the effect of "Bleeding": from 120 \ 130 \ 145 \ 160% more damage, to 120 \ 125 \ 135 \ 150% more damage. Enemies that are within 1 yard of a "Bleeding" target will now take damage equal to 70 \ 75 \ 85 \ 100% of the character's physical strength (was 100% of physical strength). Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. The final physical damage of the skill has practically unchanged. Stone Skin Skill effect no longer procs on DOT-damage. Adjusted damage reduction power: from 25 \ 45 \ 60 \ 80% to 30 \ 40 \ 50 \ 65%. Effect accumulation duration adjusted: was 14 \ 12 \ 8 \ 6 sec., to 12 \ 10 \ 8 \ 6 sec. Warcry Added PvP-target limit for skill effect: 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Berserker Power Skill type changed from active to permanently active skill: energy regeneration reduction 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 10 pts. Energy consumption has been adjusted: from 26 \ 28 \ 30 \ 32 pts., to 12 \ 14 \ 16 \ 18 pts. Decreased skill cooldown time 24 sec. to 10 sec. The amount of the increase in incoming damage to the character has been adjusted: from 30 \ 25 \ 20 \ 10%, to 20 \ 18 \ 15 \ 10%. The amount of the reduction in the maximum amount of health of the character has been adjusted: from 35 \ 30 \ 20 \ 10%, to 5 \ 9 \ 12 \ 15%. Key class talent "Fury" no longer increases the duration of the skill's buff. Developer commentary: Recently, the Barbarian has added abilities to their combat arsenal that greatly increase their offensive potential. Since this direction is showing great results, we want to continue the hybrid development of a class that can both take damage from opponents and deal high damage. The main task at the moment is to separate these areas so that the class does not turn out to be too strong. It's also worth mentioning that the Barbarian's ability to stun enemies with skills is no longer random, allowing the class to be much more consistent. Rogue Merciless Strike Increased skill cooldown from 6 sec. to 10 seс. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill: from 40 \ 55 \ 70 \ 85 \ 100 pts. and 105 \ 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125% of the character's physical strength, to 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. and 140 \ 145 \ 150 \ 155 \ 160% of the character's physical strength. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage slightly increased, damage per minute significantly decreased. Gouge The skill now casts on all enemies within 1 yard around the character without selecting a target. Within 3 sec. after use, the character can use the “Stealth” skill even in a combat state and if there are opponents nearby. Now, when using the skill, the Rogue loses the target of the attack. Adjusted the maximum number of PvP-targets: from 3 \ 4 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6, now 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Stealth Increased the cooldown of the skill from 8 sec. to 12 sec. Now in the first 2 sec. after using the skill, enemies cannot detect the character or bring them out of invisibility using attacks or skills. The skill can now be used even in a combat state, if within 8 yards there are no opponents. Elusive Jump The skill no longer has a base physical damage: it was 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted: from 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125% of the character's physical strength, to 115 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140% of the character's physical strength. Adjusted the amount of the increase in damage if the enemy is under the effect of the “Poisonous Blades” skill: from 120 \ 130 \ 140 \ 150%, to 105 \ 110 \ 120 \ 140%. The final physical damage of the skill has practically unchanged. Poisonous Blades Reduced the cooldown of the skill from 26 sec. to 22 sec. Now DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 pts. per level. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 60 \ 80 \ 100 \ 120 pts. Adjusted the amount of DOT-damage from the skill: from 90 \ 100 \ 110 \ 120% of the character's physical strength for 6 sec., to 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 50% of the character's physical strength every 2 sec. within 6 sec. The final physical DOT-damage of the skill has changed: instant damage has practically unchanged, damage per minute has slightly increased. Ricochet The skill no longer has a base physical damage: it was 40 \ 50 \ 60 \ 70 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted: from 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80% of the character's physical strength, to 75 \ 80 \ 85 \ 95% of the character's physical strength. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Parry check removed from skill damage. The final physical damage of the skill has not changed. Extermination Reduced the cooldown time of the skill from 40 sec. to 25 sec. The duration of the effect has been adjusted: from 12 \ 16 \ 20 \ 25 sec., to 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. Now the skill increases the “Attack Speed” parameter of the character for each equipped dagger by 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 15%. Now the skill increases "Attack Speed" by 5 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10% and "Skills Cooldown" by 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12.5% for each one-handed sword equipped. The skill now increases the character's "Skills Cooldown" parameter by 12 \ 16 \ 20 \ 25% for each one-handed axe equipped. Sinister Strike The skill no longer has a base physical damage: it was 50 \ 70 \ 90 \ 120 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 3 \ 5 \ 7 \ 10 pts. per level. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted: from 40 \ 50 \ 65 \ 80% of the character's physical strength, to 130 \ 135 \ 145 \ 160% of the character's physical strength. The skill now applies the “Excision” effect on the enemy for 7 \ 10 \ 13 \ 15 sec., which reduces any incoming healing by 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 40%. Separated checks for damage and effect: damage can only be negated by Dodge \ Parry \ Block, and the effect can only be affected by Resistance. The resulting physical damage of the skill has significantly increased. Flurry of Steel Cast range adjusted from 5 yards to 4 yards. The skill no longer has a base physical damage: it was 10 \ 20 \ 30 \ 50 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 3 \ 4 \ 5.5 \ 7 pts. per level. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted: from 85 \ 110 \ 125 \ 145% of the character's physical strength, to 115 \ 120 \ 135 \ 150% of the character's physical strength. Increased the chance of triggering the "Stunning" effect: from 35 \ 45 \ 60 \ 80%, now 100%. The final physical damage of the skill has slightly decreased. Added an additional check of skill effect and damage. Effect can now only be negated by resistance and the damage can only be negated by Evade \ Block \ Parry. Trickiest Technique Increased the chance of triggering the “Stunning” effect from 60 \ 70 \ 80 \ 90% to 100%. Adjusted the amount of healing from 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30% of maximum health to 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 15% of maximum health. Added an additional check of skill effect and damage. Effect can now only be negated by resistance and the damage can only be negated by Evade \ Block \ Parry. Dodging Reduced the duration of the effect: from 15 seconds to 10 seconds on all levels of development. Frenzy Adjusted the amount of the bonus to the "Critical Hit" parameter: from 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 11%, to 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 12%. The amount of the bonus to the “Critical damage strength” parameter has been adjusted: from 6 \ 10 \ 14 \ 18%, to 8 \ 13 \ 17 \ 20%. The skill no longer increases incoming damage against the character. Talent " Shadows Veil" "Shadows Veil" buff duration increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds. Developer commentary: The Rogue has long been able to get buffs from his abilities, spending fewer skill points on it than other classes for a similar bonus (especially the “Extermination” skill). We have adjusted this skill so that the effect changes depending on the weapon used, rather than giving huge stat boosts all the time. This should help delineate the two ways a class's damage is realized: auto-attack damage and skill damage. It is also important to note the reworking of the “Stealth” skill mechanics. If earlier in most situations the skill was used once at the beginning of the battle, now the Rogue has the opportunity to use this skill in the middle of the battle, and most importantly, to use it much more efficiently. Shaman Ball Lightning Now the magic damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill: from 35 \ 55 \ 75 \ 95 \ 115 pts. and 104 \ 105 \ 106 \ 107 \ 108% of the character's magical power, to 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130% of the character's magical power. The final magic damage of the skill has slightly increased. Earthquake The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the character's magic power has been adjusted: from 90 \ 100 \ 101 \ 102 \ 103% to 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 135 \ 145%. Added separate checks for skill damage and negative effect “Earthquake”: damage can only be negated by the “Block” \ “Dodge” parameters, the effect can only be affected by the “Resistance” parameter. Added limit for maximum number of PvE targets: 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Adjusted the maximum number of PvP-targets: from 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 to 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Earth Protection Increased skill cooldown time from 14 sec. to 20 sec. Adjusted the amount of the decrease in the “Penetration” parameter of the enemy from the key class talent "Viscous Shell": from 3.5% to 4.5%. Increased the range of the skill from 4 yards to 5 yards. Healing Spirit Now the amount of healing from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 3.5 pts. per level. The amount of periodic healing from the character's magic power has been adjusted: from 180 \ 210 \ 220 \ 240 \ 270 pts. and 110 \ 150 \ 180 \ 210 \ 240%, to 6 \ 11 \ 16 \ 21 \ 26 pts. and 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 55% every 3 sec. within 15 sec. The final healing of the skill has practically unchanged. Lightning Shield Reduced the cooldown of the skill from 60 sec. to 30 sec. The skill can now only be used on yourself or party members. The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 50 \ 70 \ 90 \ 110 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the character's magic power has been adjusted: from 100 \ 102 \ 104 \ 106%, to 85 \ 90 \ 100 \ 110%. The duration of the effect has been adjusted: from 10 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40 sec., to 10 \ 12 \ 16 \ 20 sec. The skill now procs no more than once every 1.3 \ 1.2 \ 1 \ 0.8 sec. from PvP-attacks. Added checks for “Block” and “Dodge” parameters for skill damage. Skill damage can no longer stun the enemy. The resulting magic damage of the skill has slightly decreased. Fire Totem The skill no longer has a base damage: it was 10 \ 25 \ 50 \ 70. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 pts. per level. The amount of periodic damage from the character's magic power has been adjusted: from 90 \ 100 \ 110 \ 120% every 2 sec. for 6.2 \ 7.9 \ 9.6 \ 11.3 sec., to 105 \ 110 \ 120 \ 135% every 2 sec. within 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 sec. The final magical damage of the skill has increased significantly. Added an additional tick of damage. Ancestors' Hand The skill can now only be cast on party members. Tribe's Ritual Critical damage power bonus adjusted from 16 \ 20 \ 23 \ 27% to 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 30%. Now the skill can only be used on self or group members. Energy Field Reduced the cooldown of the skill from 40 sec. to 10 sec. Changed skill type from active to permanent active skill: energy regeneration reduction 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 10 pts. Adjusted the amount of increase regeneration rate energy from 25 \ 40 \ 55 \ 70% to 25 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50%. Adjusted the amount of the increase of the "Skills Cooldown" parameter: from 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30%, to 13 \ 16 \ 20 \ 25%.. Now the effect of the skill applies to the character and all party members located in the same location with the character. Healing Totem Now the amount of healing from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2.5 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 pts. per level. Now the amount of healing from the skill does not depend on the base increase in healing: it was 120 \ 150 \ 180 \ 220 pts. The amount of periodic healing from the character's magic power has been adjusted: from 20 \ 30 \ 35 \ 45% every 3 sec. for 14 sec., to 55 \ 60 \ 65 \ 75% every 3 sec. within 9 \ 12 \ 15 \ 15 sec. The final healing of the skill has increased significantly. Added an additional tick of healing. Power of the Earth Reduced the cooldown of the skill from 40 sec. to 32 sec. Totem of Weakness Reduced the cooldown of the skill from 24 sec. to 20 sec. Now the skill reduces the parameters of the enemy while they are in the area of the totem. Adjusted the amount of the “Critical Hit” reduction: from 12 \ 18 \ 24 \ 35% to 10 \ 12 \ 16 \ 20%. Adjusted the amount of the “Penetration” reduction: from 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 15% to 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12%. Adjusted the amount of the “Accuracy” reduction: from 9 \ 12 \ 15 \ 20% to 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 15%. Developer commentary: In addition to their potential to support allies, the Shaman excels at dealing damage as well. However, due to the lack of a damage limitation in the “Lightning Shield” skill, this class received an unfair advantage in PvP-battles. We tried to adjust the skill without affecting the damage too much so that this ability continues to serve its function. In addition, we have redesigned one of the most requested class skills, “Energy Field”, into a permanent skill, freeing players from the need to upgrade it. Hunter Fatal Shot Reduced the cooldown of the skill from 10 sec. to 8 sec. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill: from 30 \ 45 \ 60 \ 75 \ 90 pts. and 104 \ 108 \ 112 \ 116 \ 120% of the character's physical strength, to 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. and 100 \ 103 \ 106 \ 109 \ 112% of the character's physical strength. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage slightly decreased, damage per minute slightly increased. Stunning Shot Adjusted the "Stunning" effect from 1.5 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 sec. to 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 \ 4 sec. Hunter's Agility Adjusted the duration of the skill from 15 sec. to 10 sec. Poisoned Arrow Increased the cooldown of the skill from 13 sec. to 15 sec. The class key talent "Cobra Bite" applies the "Snake Nest" debuff to the targeted enemy and all targets within 1 yard around them. The effect deals periodic physical damage to the target. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage has not changed, damage per minute has slightly decreased. New skill “Poisonous Saber” (instead of the “Explosive Arrow” skill) Type: Active Energy consumption: 22 \ 24 \ 26 \ 28 units. Cooldown time: 20 sec. Inflicts the “Poisoning” and “Acid tread” debuffs on the enemy and all targets within 2 yards around the target for 12 sec. The “Poisoning” effect deals as physical damage equal to 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 55% of physical power of the character every 3 sec. The “Acid tread” effect reduces movement speed by 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50%. Maximum number of PvP-targets is 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6, maximum number of PvE-targets - 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Leveling the skill increases its damage, power of the effect and number of targets. Maximum number of effects on one opponent - 50. Increased the range of the skill from 4 yards to 5 yards. Lesser class talent “Explosive Arrow+” is replaced with “Poisonous Saber+”. Sapping Shot Skill cooldown increased from 14 sec. to 18 sec. Now the skill deals physical damage to the enemy in the amount of 135 \ 145 \ 160 \ 180% of the character's physical strength. Added separate checks for skill damage and negative effect: damage can only be negated by the “Block” \ “Dodge” parameters, the effect can only be negated by the “Resistance” parameter. The skill no longer reduces the enemy's “Attack Speed” parameter. Mountain Instincts Effect duration adjusted from 15 \ 18 \ 22 \ 26 sec. to 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. Arrow of Silence Now the skill additionally reduces the "Attack Speed" parameter of the enemy by 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 40%. Hunters Mark Changed the skill type from active to passive: when auto-attacking or using a skill that deals instant damage, inflicts a debuff "Hunters Mark" on the enemy for a while. The effect increases all incoming damage from the character. Now, if two Hunters with different skill levels attack the same target, then the increase in damage will occur for each player separately, depending on the skill level. Forester's Trap Cast range adjusted from 3 yards to 2 yards. The trap now triggers if an enemy enters the trap's area of effect. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted from 25% of the character's physical strength to 60 \ 65 \ 70 \ 80% of the character's physical strength within 1 yard of the trap. Now the trap inherits the attacking parameters "Critical Hit", "Critical Damage", "Accuracy", "Penetration", "Ferocity", "Wrath of the Deep" from the character. Now the trap does not disappear if the character has moved to another location. Increased the chance of triggering the "Stunning" effect: from 35 \ 45 \ 55 \ 70%, now 100%. Adjusted the duration of the “Stunning” effect: from 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 \ 4.5 sec. to 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 sec. Added separate checks for the skill damage and the "Stunning" debuff: damage can only be negated by the “Block” \ “Dodge” parameters, the debuff can only be affected by the “Resistance” parameter. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Added a short delay before triggering the trap if an enemy appears in its area of effect. The total physical damage of the skill has significantly increased. Arrow of Confusion Increased the cooldown of the skill from 14 sec. to 18 sec. DOT-damage can no longer interrupt the effect. Pathfinder's Arrow Skill damage is no longer scaled by base damage from 80 \ 90 \ 100 \ 120 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 80 \ 90 \ 100 \ 110% of the character's physical strength, now it is 125 \ 130 \ 140 \ 155% of the character's physical strength. Added limitation of the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Increased the range of the skill from 4 yards to 5 yards. The total physical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Developer commentary: The Hunter's arsenal included abilities with disparate mechanics that were difficult to combine. We've combined some of the skills and added new properties to them to expand the class's range of abilities. In addition, the “Explosive Arrow” skill has been replaced with the more effective “Poisonous Saber” skill. Now it will be easier for the class to realize its potential both in mass battles and in single skirmishes, using the entire arsenal of control and negative effects. Chieftain Blow of the Spirits Skill cooldown increased from 7 sec. to 8 sec. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: from 55 \ 65 \ 84 \ 110 \ 125 pts. and 130 \ 140 \ 150 \ 165 \ 175% of the character's magical power, to 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 130 \ 140 \ 150 \ 165 \ 175% of the character's magical power. The final magical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage has not changed, damage per minute has slightly decreased. Supporting of the pack Now the effect of the skill does not clear damage over time effects. Thrashing Now the key class talent "Shivering Earth" increases the enemy's damage taken for 10 sec. Adjusted the maximum number of PvP-targets: from 4 \ 4 \ 5 \ 5 \ 6 to 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Bear's Stamina The skill now first restores a portion of the character's maximum health and an additional portion of health from the character's magical power. Eagle's Eye Skill cooldown increased from 12 sec. to 14 sec. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 30 \ 40 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60% of the character's magical power, now it is 30 \ 40 \ 45 \ 50 \ 60% of the character's magical power. Adjusted the magic damage period from 2 sec. to 2.5 sec. Adjusted the maximum number of PvP-targets: it was 4 \ 4 \ 5 \ 5 \ 6, now it is 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Added a limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Fixed a bug due to which the damage of the skill did not increase from some allied relics and castle buffs. The final magical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage has not changed, damage per minute has slightly decreased. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage has not changed, damage per minute has slightly decreased. The duration of the effect has been adjusted: it was 4 \ 4 \ 6 \ 6 \ 8 sec., now it is 5 \ 5 \ 7.5 \ 7.5 \ 10 sec. Clans' Help Adjusted the increase to the "Penetration" parameter from 3 \ 4 \ 4.5 \ 5.5% to 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6%. Bestial Wrath The duration of the effect from the skill has been adjusted: it was 12 \16 \ 20 \ 25 sec., now it is 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. Curse of the Plague Added PvE-target limit: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Now the key class talent “Cunning of the Beast” can deal critical damage. Rat movement speed greatly increased. Increased the frequency of damage from every 1 to every 0.8 sec. The skill now deals the first tick of damage when the monster spawns. Swooping Army Adjusted the amount of skill damage from 35 \ 45 \ 50 \ 55% of the character's magic power to 35 \ 45 \ 50 \ 60% of the character's magic power. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. The total magic damage of the skill has slightly increased. Rugged Hide Effect duration adjusted from 6 \ 8 \ 9 \ 10 sec. to 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 13 sec. Adjusted the size of the reduction in incoming damage: from 12 \ 22 \ 32 \ 42%, to 15 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40%. Adjusted the amount of additional damage reduction from missing health from 1% for every 2.5% of missing health to 1% for every 3.5%. Wolf's Alacrity Fixed a bug due to which skill damage was not increased by "Relic of Exclusive Attack". Separated checks for damage and effect: damage can only be negated by Dodge \ Parry \ Block, and the effect can only be affected by Resistance. Spiritual Purification The amount of restored energy has been adjusted from 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25% of the character's maximum energy to 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50% of the character's maximum energy. Developer commentary: Chieftain, well-known in Arinar as a high-damage class, suits this role well and doesn't need major skill changes. We have fixed a number of bugs and inconveniences in the implementation of mechanics that could cause discomfort and we hope that the high interest in the class will remain so. Forsaken All classes of the Forsaken faction have had the cost of almost all of their base skills reduced by 1-2 pt. on all development levels. Death Knight Thorn of Death Skill cooldown increased from 9 sec. to 10 sec. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 25 \ 40 \ 55 \ 70 \ 85 pts. and 102 \ 104 \ 108 \ 108 \ 110% of the character's physical strength, now it is 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. and 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130 \ 135% of the character's physical strength. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage slightly increased, damage per minute practically unchanged. Exhalation of Darkness Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60 pts. and 102 \ 104 \ 106 \ 108 \ 110% of the character's magical strength, now it is 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 105 \ 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 130% of the character's magical strength. Adjusted the duration of the “Exhalation of Darkness” effect from 5 sec. to 10 sec. The final magical damage of the skill has significantly increased. Threads of Darkness Reduced the range of the skill from 5 yards to 4 yards. The duration of the “Immobilization” effect has been adjusted: from 1.5 sec. to 2 sec. Dark Shield Skill cooldown reduced from 30 sec. to 25 sec. Now the skill with a 30 \ 45 \ 50 \ 60 \ 75% chance reduces the damage taken by the character by 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 \ 4 \ 4.5% of the character’s physical defense against monster attacks and by 1.5 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5% of the character's physical defense against player attacks. Adjusted the duration of the effect: from 30 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60 \ 70 sec. to 22 \ 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. Death Call Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 60 \ 80 \ 100 \ 120 pts. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill: from 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125% of the character's magical strength for 6 sec., to 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35% of the character's magical strength every 1,5 sec. for 6 sec. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets for skill damage: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Adjusted the maximum number of PvP-targets: from 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 to 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly decreased. Steel Hurricane Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 20 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60 pts. Now the physical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of physical damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 60 \ 75 \ 90 \ 109% of the character's physical strength, now it is 105 \ 110 \ 120 \ 135% of the character's physical strength. Now the magical damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 20 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60 pts. Now the magical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of magical damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 90 \ 115 \ 145 \ 190% of the character's magical strength, now it is 130 \ 140 \ 155 \ 175% of the character's magical strength. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Added a Dodge check to the damage of the skill. The final physical damage of the skill has slightly increased. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly decreased. Sharp Shadow Now the magical damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 55 \ 88 \ 110 \ 130 pts. Now the magical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 3,5 pts. per level. The amount of magical damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 140 \ 155 \ 170 \ 190% of the character's magical strength, now it is 135 \ 150 \ 170 \ 190% of the character's magical strength. The chance of triggering the “Stun” effect has been increased: it was 35 \ 45 \ 55 \ 80%, now it is 100%. Now the skill additionally restores the character's health by 10 \ 12 \ 16 \ 20% of the character's maximum health if the character is under the effect of the “Saturation” skill (previously - depending on the damage dealt). Removed the Parry check from the damage of the skill. Added separate checks for damage and effect of thes kill: damage can only be negated by Dodge \ Block, while effect can only be affected by Resistance. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly decreased. Blow of the Silence The skill now applies the “Power of Silence” buff on the character for 7 \ 8 \ 9 \ 10 sec., which increases the character’s physical and magical strength by 5 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25% until the next attack. Attack under the effect will additionally apply the "Mute" debuff for 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 sec. on the target and all enemies within 1 yard. Added limit for the maximum number of PvP-targets: 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Secret Reserves Fixed a bug due to which the effect that reduces damage from monsters sometimes did not work on the character while the skill was on cooldown. Now the effect of the skill cannot be cleansed from the character with other skills. Aura of Hatred The size of the increase in physical and magical power has been adjusted: it was 5 \ 7 \ 10 \ 15%, now it is 5 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10%. Adjusted the duration of the effect: from 15 \ 20 \ 30 \ 45 sec. to 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80 sec. The skill now increases the character's “Accuracy” parameter by 9 \ 11 \ 13 \ 15%. The class key talent “Bounty of Death" now applies an additional buff to all party members within 7 yards (previously 4 allies within 3 yards). Effect strength reduced by 25% (was - 50%). Blood Protection Now the skill can be used not only on the character, but also on an ally. Knight's Curse Now, if the effect of "Kiss of Death" was removed from the target, it will cause the cursed zone to instantly appear. Adjusted the amount of magical damage from the skill: from 110 \ 130 \ 155 \ 180% of the character's magical strength every 2 sec. for 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14 sec., to 55 \ 65 \ 75 \ 85% of the character's magical strength every 1.5 sec. for 15 sec. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Added a Dodge check to the damage of the skill. The final magical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage slightly decreased, damage per minute significantly decreased. Developer commentary: Many skill mechanics of the Death Knight could well be called irrelevant, but it's time to fix it! We started with the support potential, which previously could only be realized through control. Now, the Death Knight will have 2 powerful support skills in his arsenal: "Aura of Hatred" and "Blood Protection", which can strengthen the group and protect against a large amount of instant damage. In addition, we have improved the “Blow of the Silence” skill, making it a full-fledged crowd control. And of course, the "Dark Shield" has been reworked - now for PvP and PvE the character will receive a different damage reduction bonus, calculated according to a clear formula. We hope that these changes will allow you to refresh your understanding of the class and its capabilities, as well as show more interest in its leveling and implementation in different areas of the game. Warlock Arrow of Darkness Skill cooldown increased from 6 sec. to 8 sec. Now the magical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 48 \ 72 \ 96 \ 120 \ 144 pts. and 108 \ 112 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125% of the character's magical strength, now it is 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130% of the character's magical strength. Skill damage now increases by 1% for every 13 \ 11 \ 9 \ 7 \ 5 pts. of character's maximum energy. The final magical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage significantly increased, damage per minute slightly decreased. Fear DOT-damage can no longer interrupt the effect. Pool of Darkness Now the skill creates a zone in the specified area, which inflicts magical DOT-damage on all enemies located in it. The effect is updated every second when an enemy is in the specified area. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 24 \ 48 \ 72 \ 96 \ 120 pts. Adjusted the amount of magical DOT-damage from the skill: from 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130% of the character's magical strength for 5 sec., to 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35% of the character's magical strength every 1 sec. for 5 sec. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets for skill damage: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Adjusted the maximum number of PvP-targets: from 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7, to 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. The effect of the skill can no longer go into the "Resistance" parameter. New checks - "Block" and "Dodge" parameters. Now the damage from the skill does not stop the enemy. The final magical DOT-damage of the skill has significantly increased. “Great Relic of Sudden Strength” and “Small Relic of Sudden Strength” added to the list of available relics. After the release of the update, some relics will be automatically replaced (if the indicated relics were installed in the “Pool of Darkness” skill): “Relic of Solidity” -> “Relic of Deadliness” “Small Relic of Solidity” -> “Small Relic of Deadliness” “Relic of Nimbleness” -> “Relic of Accuracy” “Small Relic of Nimbleness” -> “Small Relic of Accuracy” “Icy Relic of Reflected Damage” -> “Ice Relic of Piercing” "Relic of the United Subordination" -> "Relic of the United Pressure" Draining Life Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 42 \ 60 \ 78 \ 96 \ 112 pts. Adjusted the amount of magical DOT-damage from the skill: from 115 \ 118 \ 121 \ 125 \ 135% of the character's magical strength for 6 sec., to 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 50% of the character's magical strength every 2 sec. for 8 sec. The final magical DOT-damage of the skill has changed: instant damage practically unchanged, damage per minute significantly increased. The maximum number of healing over time effects on a character has been increased from 1 to 2. The duration of the effect from the key class talent “Full of Life” has been adjusted from 6.5 sec. to 10 sec. If the character is under the effect of the "Grimoire" skill, then the duration of the effect is increased to 15 sec. (was - 13 sec.). The buff from the talent can no longer be removed from the character. Bloody Tribute The mechanics of the skill have been completely redesigned: now the skill applies the negative effect “Blood Tribute” on the enemy for 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 seс. Each time the character loses any amount of energy, 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25% of this energy is borrowed from the enemy under the effect. For each unit of energy restored by the skill, the character will restore health in the amount of 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5% of the character's magical power. Shadow Sphere Now the magical damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 5 pts. per level. Now the magical damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 70 \ 84 \ 100 \ 112 pts. The amount of magical damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 140 \ 155 \ 165 \ 176% of the character's magical strength, now it is 140 \ 155 \ 175 \ 200% of the character's magical strength. Now skill damage is increased by 1% for every 11 \ 9 \ 7 \ 5 pts. character's maximum energy. The final magical damage of the skill has significantly increased. Hex Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 55 \ 78 \ 102 \ 130 pts. Adjusted the amount of magical DOT-damage from the skill: from 120 \ 128 \ 136 \ 145% of the character's magical strength for 8 sec., to 60 \ 65 \ 70 \ 80% of the character's magical strength every 2 sec. for 8 sec. Now the “Mute” debuff is immediately applied to the enemy if the DOT-damage from the skill has gone into defensive parameters. The maximum number of effects on one enemy has been increased from 1 to 30. Removed the stopping of the character when taking damage from a skill. The final magical DOT-damage of the skill has significantly increased. Grimoire Skill cooldown increased from 22 sec. to 25 sec. Adjusted the duration of the effect: from 6 \ 9 \ 12 \ 15 sec. to 14 \ 16 \ 18 \ 20 sec. The size of the decrease in the magical and physical protection of the enemy has been adjusted: it was 30 \ 40 \ 55 \ 75%, now it is 10 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40%. Now the skill increases all incoming damage to the enemy by 7 \ 9 \ 12 \ 15%. The amount of health restored by the character when using the “Draining Life” skill on a target under the effect of the skill has been adjusted: from 50 \ 100 \ 150 \ 250% to 100 \ 115 \ 130 \ 150%. The effect of the skill is no longer replaced by other similar effects. Stone Body Now the skill additionally restores 12 \ 14 \ 16 \ 20% of the maximum energy to the character every 2 sec. Fading The combination with the “Pool of Darkness” skill, which applies the “Stun” effect on the enemy, now works in any order in which these skills are used. The duration of the "Stun" effect is now increased by 0.2 sec. for every 25 \ 20 \ 15 \ 10% of the enemy's missing energy from the maximum. Dark Seal The skill now reduces incoming healing from skills, “Vampirism” parameter, and health regeneration. The power of healing reduction adjusted from 40 \ 50 \ 65 \ 85% to 45 \ 55 \ 70 \ 90%. Now the skill additionally reduces the damage inflicted by the target on the character if he is under the effect of "Mute" from the "Hex" and "Zone of Weakness" skills. Zone of Weakness Adjusted the maximum number of PvP-targets: from 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 to 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Developer commentary: Many classes have their own unique features that make the gameplay truly exciting. For the Warlock strong control, including mass control, was considered such a feature. But since new mechanics and ways to counteract control are constantly appearing in the game, it was decided to develop a new direction for this class. Energy will be the new distinctive feature of the Warlock! If for other classes, energy is only a resource for using skills, then for the Warlock energy can now increase the attacking and defensive potential, as well as increase the effectiveness of control. We hope that this feature will take root in this class and we can develop it further. Necromancer Poison Spittle Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 35 \ 55 \ 78 \ 95 \ 115 pts. and 101 \ 102 \ 104 \ 106 \ 108% of the character's magical strength, now it is 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130% of the character's magical strength. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of magical DOT-damage from the skill: from 20 \ 35 \ 50 \ 65 \ 80 pts. and 102 \ 104 \ 106 \ 108 \ 110% of the character's magical strength for 6 sec., to 10 \ 18 \ 26 \ 35 \ 45 pts. and 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40% of the character's magical strength every 2 sec. for 6 sec. The number of effects from the “Deathly Eye” skill required to deal magical DOT-damage to the enemy has been adjusted: from 2 to 1. "Block" and "Dodge" checks have been added to apply skill poisoning. The final magical DOT-damage of the skill has slightly increased. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Deathly Eye Skill cooldown increased from 7 sec. to 10 sec. Adjusted the size of the decrease in the maximum amount of enemy health: it was 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7%, it is now 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10%. Now the skill additionally reduces the physical defense of the enemy. Adjusted the size of the reduction in enemy defense: from 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14% of magical protection, it became 12 \ 13 \ 15 \ 17 \ 20% of physical and magical protection. The maximum number of effects from the skill on the enemy has been changed: from 2 to 1. Adjusted the reduction of enemy’s health from the lesser class talent “Deathly Eye+”: from 0.3 \ 0.6 \ 1% to 0.65 \ 1.3 \ 2%. Nightmares Adjusted the duration of the effect: from 4 \ 4,9 \ 5,8 \ 6,7 \ 7,6 sec. to 4 \ 4,5 \ 5,5 \ 6,5 \ 7,5 sec. Ancient Seal Now the healing from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2,5 \ 3 \ 3,5 \ 4 pts. per level. The amount of healing from the magical power of character has been adjusted: it was 70 \ 100 \ 120 \ 140 \ 170 pts. and 100 \ 112 \ 116 \ 124 \ 135%, now it is 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 115 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140 \ 155%. Increased the range of the skill from 4 yards to 5 yards. The final healing of the skill has practically unchanged. Bone Shield Increased the range of the skill from 4 yards to 5 yards. Fateful Connection Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets for skill damage: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Adjusted the maximum number of PvP-targets: from 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7, to 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Poisonous Shield The skill can now only be used on yourself or party members. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 20 \ 35 \ 50 \ 65 pts. Adjusted the amount of magical DOT-damage from the skill: from 90 \ 125 \ 160 \ 200% of the character's magical strength for 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 sec., to 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35% of the character's magical strength every 2 sec. for 12 sec. Now the target of the skill will additionally recover 90 \ 100 \ 110 \ 125% of health from the damage dealt if it is under the effect of the "Dark Power" skill (previously - under the effect of the "Acid Rain" skill). Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets for skill damage: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Added "Dodge" checks to skill damage. Removed the Dodge check from the skill’s damage. The final magical DOT-damage of the skill has changed: instant damage significantly increased, damage per minute practically unchanged. Infection Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 4 \ 6 \ 8 pts. per level. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 52 \ 78 \ 104 \ 130 pts. Adjusted the amount of damage from the skill: from 75 \ 100 \ 125 \ 150% of the character's magical strength, to 135 \ 145 \ 160 \ 180% of the character's magical strength. Adjusted the increase in incoming damage: from 10 \ 12 \ 15 \ 18%, to 12 \ 14 \ 16 \ 20%. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets for skill damage: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. The chance of using the skill on targets affected by the “Fateful Connection” skill has been adjusted: it was 40 \ 50 \ 60 \ 75%, now it is 25 \ 35 \ 45 \ 60%. Now the skill damage will trigger even if the effect of the skill was removed from the target ahead of time. Added a check for the chance of inflicting a Critical hit of a skill. The final magical damage of the skill has practically unchanged. Panic Corrected the range of the skill from 1 \ 2 \ 2 \ 2 yards to 2 yards. DOT-damage can no longer interrupt the effect. Acid Rain Now the skill does not cause damage to destructible objects (standards, throne, gates, pylons, etc.) Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 pts. per level. Now the DOT-damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 60 \ 80 \ 100 \ 120 pts. The amount of magical DOT-damage from the skill has been adjusted: from 110 \ 120 \ 130 \ 150% of the character's magical strength for 5 sec., now it is 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35% of the character's magical strength every 0.8 sec. for 4.8 sec. Adjusted the amount of magical DOT-damage dealt to enemies at the end of the rain: from 110 \ 120 \ 130 \ 150% of the character's magical strength for 3.2 sec., now it is 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35% of the character' magical strength every 0.8 sec. for 3.2 sec. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets for skill damage: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Added "Dodge" checks to skill damage. "Block" and "Dodge" checks have been added to apply skill poisoning. The final magical DOT-damage of the skill has slightly decreased. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Dead Soldier Now summoned monsters inherit 100% of the “Accuracy” parameter from the character. The normal skeleton summoned by the skill inherits from the character 35% of the parameters “Critical Strike”, “Dodge”, “Penetration”, “Ferocity”, “Attack Strength”, “Wrath of the Deep”, “Piercing Attack”, “Resilience”, “Resistance” , “Solidity”. The skeleton warrior summoned by the skill inherits from the character 50% of the parameters “Critical Strike”, “Dodge”, “Penetration”, “Ferocity”, “Attack Strength”, “Wrath of the Deep”, “Piercing Attack”, “Resilience”, “Resistance” , “Solidity”. Adjusted the basic parameters of the skeleton and the skeleton warrior. The summoned monster now inherits the critical damage bonus from the "Crushing Will" skill. The Gift of Rebirth Increased the amount of health on resurrection: from 5 \ 15 \ 25 \ 35, to 25 \ 50 \ 75 \ 100%. Increased the amount of energy on resurrection: from 5 \ 10 \ 15 \ 20, to 25 \ 50 \ 75 \ 100%. Developer commentary: The Necromancer, although he demonstrates good static indicators, still had a number of difficulties using some skills. For this reason, we have greatly simplified the implementation of combinations in the "Poison Spittle" and "Poisonous Shield" skills, and the "Dead Soldier" skill has received parameters borrowed from the character. We hope that these changes will allow the class to feel more comfortable and more stable in all types of the game. Charmer Dark Prism Corrected the range of the skill from 4 yards to 5 yards. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2 \ 2,5 \ 3 \ 3,5 pts. per level. The amount of magical damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 40 \ 55 \ 70 \ 100 \ 120 pts. and 105 \ 106 \ 107 \ 108 \ 109% of the character's magical strength, now it is 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130% of the character's magical strength. The final magical damage of the skill has slightly increased. Combat Healing Now the healing from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 \ 2,5 \ 3 \ 3,5 \ 4 pts. per level. Adjusted the amount of periodical healing from the skill: from 80 \ 120 \ 140 \ 160 \ 180 pts. and 50 \ 70 \ 90 \ 110 \ 130% of the character's magical strength for 12 sec., to 8 \ 14 \ 20 \ 26 \ 32 pts. and 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35% of the character's magical strength every 3 sec. for 12 sec. The amount of instant healing from the skill has been adjusted: it was 30 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60 \ 70% of the character's magical strength, now it is 30 \ 40 \ 50 \ 65 \ 75% of the character's magical strength. The final healing of the skill has changed: instant healing slightly increased, healing per minute practically unchanged. Call Now the summoned monster inherits the parameters “Critical Damage”, “Critical Healing”, “Piercing Attack” from the character. Adjusted the amount of delay between the monster's auto-attacks from 2 sec. to 2.5 sec. The amount of damage dealt by the monster has been adjusted: it was 40 \ 45 \ 55 \ 65 \ 75% of the character's physical strength, now it is 48 \ 54 \ 66 \ 78 \ 90% of the character's physical strength. The summoned monster now inherits the critical damage bonus from the "Crushing Will" skill. Oppression Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 2 pts. per level. The amount of magical damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 15 \ 25 \ 35 \ 45 \ 55 pts. and 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40% of the character's magical strength, now it is 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 pts. and 50 \ 55 \ 60 \ 65 \ 70% of the character's magical strength. Added separate checks for skill damage and the negative effect “Stun”: damage can only go to the “Block” \ “Dodge” parameters, the effect can only go to the “Resistance” parameter. The final magical damage of the skill has significantly increased. Knowledge of the Dead Man Now the type of skill damage - physical or magical is selected from the prevailing physical or magical strength of the character. The skill now deals physical damage equal to 50 \ 65 \ 85 \ 110% of the character's physical power or magical damage equal to 65 \ 80 \ 100 \ 125% of the character's magical power. The final physical damage of the skill has practically unchanged. Otherworldly Fire Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the level of the character: it was 1 \ 1,5 \ 2 \ 2,5 pts. per level. Now the damage from the skill does not depend on the base damage: it was 15 \ 20 \ 35 \ 60 pts. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 45 \ 50 \ 55 \ 65% of the character's magical strength, now it is 50 \ 55 \ 65 \ 80% of the character's magical strength. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets for skill damage: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Adjusted the maximum number of PvP-targets: from 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7, to 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. The final magical damage of the skill has practically unchanged. Eye of Darkness Skill cooldown increased from 20 sec. to 25 sec. Adjusted the duration of the effect: from 14 \ 16 \ 18 \ 20 sec. to 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec. Now the chance of detecting the enemy decreases depending on the distance to the target: the further the target, the lower the chance. Help of Chaos Now the summoned monster inherits the parameters “Critical Damage”, “Critical Healing”, “Piercing Attack” from the character. Fixed a bug due to which the monster does not attack if applied to another monster. The summoned monster now inherits the critical damage bonus from the "Crushing Will" skill. Adjusted the amount of magical power the summoned monster borrowed from the character: from 60 \ 70 \ 85 \ 100, to 55 \ 65 \ 75 \ 90%. Goading Reduced movement speed of enemies has been adjusted from 10 \ 14 \ 18 \ 22% to 20 \ 24 \ 28 \ 32%. Adjusted the maximum number of PvP-targets: from 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7, to 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Summoner Skill Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets for skill damage: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Demonic Pact Fixed a bug with incorrect calculation of the transferred damage from the key class talent “Bonds of Life”. The amount of damage transferred to summoned monsters from the “Bonds of Life” talent has been adjusted: from 400% to 300%. Otherworldly blessing Now the skill can only be used on self or group members. Developer commentary: The Charmer is the main summoner of Arinar, remains consistently successful on the battlefield and does not need global skill changes. However, we have expanded the list of parameters passed from the player to his pets, so now the class will have even more opportunities to implement various bonuses both in PvP and PvE-battles. Reaper Evisceration Skill cooldown increased from 7 sec. to 8 sec. The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 40 \ 55 \ 70 \ 85 \ 100 pts. and 105 \ 109 \ 111 \ 115 \ 120% of the character's physical strength, now it is 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 pts. and 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130 \ 140% of the character's physical strength. The final physical damage of the skill has changed: instant damage slightly increased, damage per minute practically unchanged. Demonic Appearance Now, when using a skill, the character recovers energy in the amount of 5 \ 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25% of the maximum energy. The amount of health restored when using the skill has been adjusted: from 5 \ 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 24% to 5 \ 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25%. Otherworldly Boost The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40% of the character's physical strength, now it is 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 45% of the character's physical strength. Adjusted the maximum number of PvP-targets: from 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6, to 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets for skill damage: 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Annihilation The class key talent “Wide Scope” now has a 100% chance to deal critical damage to a side target if the character is in demonic form. Unwavering Will Adjusted the number of negative effects that the character needs to activate the effect of the skill: it was 6 \ 5 \ 4 \ 3 negative effects, it became 5 \ 4 \ 3 \ 2. Now the skill allows you to ignore the character receiving only the control effect. Explosion of Chaos The amount of damage from the skill has been adjusted: it was 85 \ 100 \ 115 \ 130% of the character's physical strength, now it is 120 \ 125 \ 130 \ 140% of the character's physical strength. Added limit for the maximum number of PvE-targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14. Black Mark The mechanics of the skill has been completely redesigned: now the skill applies the negative effect “Black Mark” on the enemy for 8 \ 10 \ 10 \ 12 sec. During the effect, the character accumulates 1 \ 1 \ 2 \ 2 pts. of “Hate” every time the enemy auto-attacks or uses a skill that deals instant damage. After inflicting 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 4 attacks during the skill, the enemy will receive a negative effect "Stun" for 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4.5 sec., and the “Black Mark” effect will be removed. Increased the range of the skill from 3 yards to 4 yards. Developer commentary: While it hasn't been that long since the Reaper's introduction, we decided to seriously rework a skill that didn't initially catch the attention of players. Now the "Black Mark" skill will allow you to accumulate the "Hate" resource from enemy attacks and use the "Demonic Appearance" skill, even if it is impossible to get close to the opponent. The mechanics of the “Unwavering Will” skill have also been improved, which will now work more effectively against control skills. We continue to collect statistics and feedback from players to prepare the necessary fixes to class skills. During the test server, with your help we will once again check the correctness of the work of all changed skills. Based on the results of testing, additional changes may be made based on the collected data. We will be grateful for the feedback and active participation in testing! See you! AIGRIND
    1 point
  21. Null

    За что?…

    Вообще, крайне нелогично делать меньше длительность навыков. Это же больше тыкать на клавиши. Большее количество людей тыкает. Больше количество данных на сервер-клиент. БОЛЬШЕ лагов. В чём логика делать БОЛЬШЕ лагов в игре?
    1 point
  22. Врятли они думают так же,у них должно быть рациональное обьяснение своих действий
    1 point
  23. Да нифига они уже не сделают. Что крыса мусор, что гнев, что бафф с очищения Про орлы вообще молчу
    1 point
  24. Это, конечно, все безусловно круто. Ну а когда уже понерфят с 6 по 17 арену ловчих? Очень весело и интересно играть 2х4, если у противников два ловчих. Арена сейчас на этих лвл просто пустует, ибо никто не хочет регать против героя, у которого пет 4.5к хп и урона за 600 (дак еще и пет как второй игрок + дамажит 120% от твоего урона аое ударами каждую 5 тычку)
    1 point
  25. I'm not a crafter but I do agree. Pots can easily take up a majority of a person's storage but I would also love it if Repair and Tele scrolls could stack even more
    1 point
  26. Even seeker got attack strength from skill, man this some bullshit devs be doing
    1 point
  27. А будет талант некру вместо таланта в панику? Он же бесполезный,по сути, теперь
    1 point
  28. Ладно будем верить. Но если не дадут я буду винить в этом рейнджеров
    1 point
  29. Да, качаешь полтора года таланты, книги собираешь, чтобы потом пересесть... С такими ребалансами надо книги и талики, репу делать едиными на аккаунт, тогда можно по классам попрыгать
    1 point
  30. @Dr Strange @Nolan Pls help for korean iphone players
    1 point
  31. Приветствую. Спустя год снова хочется поговорить на счёт этой способности. Естественно данных никаких нет о популярности в использовании. Возможно 1 на 1 (которого нет) и в арене 2+2 способность имеет место быть. Но как мы знаем, около 5 раз подряд был нерф. В своё время ослабление способности было оправдано, всё же сопра только зарождалась, огромных значений было достигнуть тяжело, ну и эффекта на снижение длительности негативных воздействий ещё в помине не было, как и обильного кол-ва способностей/реликвий на снятие дебаффов. В связи с чем хотелось бы предложить некий пересмотр взаимодействия и работы способности. Сделать следующее: - Похищать процент кд/скорости (от преобладающего параметра у противника) , например 40/45/50/55 % и превращать только в кд для некроманта Если способность уходит в сопротивление (спасибо стражу), то положительный эффект накладывается на некроманта, но не похищает у противника. @Holmes Если будет время, то дайте пожалуйста фидбек на счёт скилла, просто сколько времени способность неизменна, хочется чего-то нового.
    1 point
  32. Não é de hoje que o efeito de atordoamento é um grande diferencial nas lutas PvP, seja através de habilidades de classes ou mesmo através do status "Stun". Com os avanços dos níveis e surgimento de novos itens o valor numérico dos status estão crescendo bem como do "Stun". Com grandes quantias de stun e velocidade de ataque, algumas classes conseguem ciclar combos infinitos de stun no PvP. Pra mim esse status deveria ser um diferencial, algo a mais para agregar ao pvp de todas as classes, mas não deveria ser uma regra. Então proponho adicionar uma recarga interna entre a ativação desse atributo. Por exemplo: "Com X% de chance, aciona o ataque atordoante no ataque ou habilidade, esse efeito atordoa o inimigo por 2.5s. Não pode ocorrer mais de uma vez a cada 4s". Uma mudança simples que deixaria o status mais balanceado, principalmente agora que temos alguns talentos ligados a esse status. @Nolan
    1 point
  33. красный нос сомбра везде култяпки суёт
    1 point
  34. Подведем итоги по обновлению с точим зрения некра. 1)Плевок не дали ничего, чем можно было бы компенсировать самый маленький урон среди сапов, завышенное кд навыка без каких-либо модефикаций, по типу мультикаста жц. 2)Змея повышение кд с 7 до 10,уже второй фикс длительности подряд, а ранее она была 2 сек, т.е. увеличили за 2 патча в 5 раз, неплохо так, а что мы получили взамен? Слегка больше среза хп и дефа и 1 стак для комбы, ну чтож равносильно. Ну и как вишенка на торте дот уходит в деф статы... 3)Сон минорно затронули, ничего не изменив. Это же такой сильный навык с 4 ярдов, сбивающийся абсолютно всем, который каждый патч еще больше режут, видимо не достаточно мусор и кто-то им еще пользуется. Про масс замесы я вообще молчу. К тому же проблемы в самой основе навыка, мало того, что на арене помимо 2х2 вероятность того, что этот навык хоть где-то может в теории понадобиться стремиться к нулю, так и в открытом мире его сбивает любой моб, пет с дд навыками,а так же в пвп тотем шама(огненный) и статуи на арене. В общем опять ничего не изменили. 4)Печать+щит. Давно просили поднять дальность каста печати и щита до 5,но опять же зачем это делать, это же упростит жизнь сапу, лучше пусть он будет без выживаемости лицом торговать на тряпке, откисая, отыгрывая свою роль, нежели мы дадим ему что-то, чтобы он мог держать позицию и не умирать. 5)Связь, фикс в пве(зачем?) и на 1 пероснажа в пвп, ввиду того, что и вероятность наложения заразы на связанных юнитов пофиксили, некру очевидно стало сложнее в масс замесах. Прибавьте к этому проверку на каждый отдельный взятый момент сопротивления(на связь, на на заразу, на прок связи в заразу) и получаешь довольно посредственный навык. 6)Яд щит. Изменение комбы, в результате чего мы потеряли отхил моба в пве и очень эффективный подхил в пвп, который был полезен, теперь же у нас частота нанечения упона в 2 раза реже, хоть и урон незначительно апнули, но теперь он может уйти в защитные статы и как следствие новая комба не будет хилить, чтож, можно пожалуйста вернуть старую комбу, она была намного лучше нынешнего позора. Мало того, что теперь для отхила некр должен быть на передовой, так теперь против дальников ты ничего противопоставить не можешь, не можешь дать комбу под себя с целью переживания прокаста и удержания позиции, не можешь помочь союзнику против тех же дальников, так еще отхил зависит от кол-ва юнитов, задетых щитом, в общем фикс, как в пвп, так и в пве. 7)Заражение. Этому скилу дали многое, что просили на протяжении 4 лет, но по каким-то причинам не реализовали. Хоть и урон стал меньше, однако досрочный взрыв и крит он него это приятно. Но фикс шанса и недопиленный подчет дд в инстах от заразы, то что делает мне больно. 8)Паника. 2 ярда и несбиваемость дотами это очень хорошо. Но опять же навык предназначен на защиту/инициацию в масс замесах и арене, однако у некра нет навыков мобильности, как у пала для реализации оков(аналог страху) или тп мага(осколки), можно продолжать до бессконечности. Вопрос, а нужна ли паника в таком виде, в которой она сейчас есть? Тут либо добавлять мобильности, либо изменение навыка во что-то иное. 9)Яма. Абсолютно мертвый навык, никак не изменяли, остался мусором. За годы фиксов его он стал настодько неюзабельным, что про него попросту забыли, по тем же стопам идет и сон. 10)Дождь. Опять же увеличили урон, зато уходит в деф статы. Может вы одумаетесь, прекратите делать из некра инвалида, у него и без того была большая проблема с уроном, теперь все куда хуже. У некра нет бафов статов, чтобы компенсировать потери, он кастер, ему важны 3 стата кд для более быстрого каста, хп для выживаемости и крит для отхила, нанесения крона. Теперь же надо будет собирать и точность, мы же не жц с крыльями, которые может забить на крит и упороться в точность, мы не шамы, с манополем, мы некры. Ненадо было ничего менять в этой сфере, у некра никогда небыло заоблочных цифр урона, он даже среди сапов был просто бафом на дд с ресом без урона. Теперь же его станет еще меньше. 11)Рес. Нет даже минорных изменений, жаль, столько идей было для улучшения данного навыка, от самореса некра с глобальным кд, до измененмя в реализации на арене, ну что ж, не пофиксили и ладно. 12)Скелеты, дали 35% статов, этого недостаточно, сколько раз надо повторять, минимум 50 и 75 соответственно. Для них нужны трупы, ало, где вы в том же 2х2 найдете для реализации 5 трупов(ладно если бы они были как декор в рандомных частях локации разбросаны и с ними можно было взаимодействовать, но боюсь это релизовать будет сложно). А знаете, что не сложно реализовать? Призыв скелетов без трупов, если в радиусе действмя тотема есть перосонаж с навешанным костянным щитом. Гениально, не правда ли? Пойдем далее. Длительность на 4/4 тотема 24 сек. При спавне скелетов в 4 сек, как было ранее, это было опрадано, теперь же это раз в 5 сек и мы получаем бездействие тотема после 20 секунды, зачем так сделано, для чего? Тому же огненному тотему шама и тотему хила дали доп тик урона и отхила. Тут же добавить 1 сек длительности и все, последний тик будет призывать скелета, не будет 4 сек простоя. И конечно же отсутствие таргетинга, пусть дальше агрят всю локацию, некр уплатит за все. Видя все это, все открытые раны на теле некроманта, все упущенные возможности, которые сделали бы игру на нем немного легче, вы, повышая ставки абсурда, заставляете некра, особенностью которого было именно то,что доты не уходят в защитные статы,ведь сюрприз-сюрпириз это яды(забавно видеть как рог будет уворачиваться от яда, покрывающего с головы до ног некроманта или от яда внутри его тела от комбы змеи и плевка или от ядовитого дождя), чем обуславливалась его малая выживаемость, отсутствие мобильности и контактный контроль, который сбивался(они даже не смогли сон сделать несбиваемым, а лишь дальше по наитию продолжают фиксить этот несчастный навык). Пересмотрите решение ухода ядов в защитные статы персонажа.
    1 point
  35. Дорогие разработчики я полагаю что у вас были веские причины для таких изменений навыков но я всё же поинтересуюсь чем вы руководились когда порезали урон и так самому слабому в плане нанесения урона класу, а именно "Некроманту". Если что я имею в виду вот это: Какая причина столь жёсткого нерфа некроманта в пвп сегменте игры? Ведь как я уже сказал некромант и так является самым слабым класом в плане нанесения урона. Вот кстати наглядный пример его бесполезности в пвп Теперь часть статов надо будет заменить на точность а это достаточно сильно скажетса на его и так небольшом уроне! @Dr Strange @Holmes Господа если не сложно обратите внимание пожалуйста
    1 point
  36. it would be nice too if the guaranted rewards drops for every member of the guild whose killed(dealed most damage) the boss, like in skylore raid's that everyone gets it.
    1 point
  37. Один вопрос зачем? Это не мировые боссы, они ресают каждые 10-20 мин, и смысл для них вводить таймеры ещё? Другое дело мир рб, когда игроки дежурят этого РБ 2ч, ибо он может реснуть в любой момент
    1 point
  38. Как связано точное время реса с догами 1к1? Да и это проблема исключительно Амбера, остальных это в любом случае не касается. Очень надеюсь, что это затронет всех мировых РБ. Пришёл, подрался, ушёл по делам. И никаких стояний по 2 часа. Настоялся уже в своё время
    1 point
    1 point
  40. У меня нет такого, где можно достать?
    1 point
  41. Clarifying from the beginning I do not ask that they change it but that they reduce it since this skill has proven to be outside the limits of the skills that go against the players in guild battles or wars. To begin with, as everyone knows, the abilities have a certain limit of maximum players for these, and as it goes, it is a maximum of a certain amount for a certain time that the ability or damage that it does lasts, starting from this the ability of the templar: Reverse Flow Creates a vortex zone in the specified area for a while. Each second, the zone knocks back all enemies within it a few yards from the edge of the zone and imposes the negative effect "Stun" on them for some time. Enemies cannot move and use skills, damage to them does not remove the effect. Type: Active. Application by area. Cast Range: 5 yards Reload time: 16 sec. Energy consumption: 18 | 19 | 20 | 23 | 25 Knockback Range (yards): 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 Stun duration (sec.): 1 | 1.2 | 1.4 | 1.6 | 1.8 Number of targets (PvP): 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 This ability, as many have experienced, its duration has nothing to do with the number of enemies affected, since while it is active per second it will push up to 6 players maximum from the action area, PER SECOND, that means that in its entire duration can push more than 30 players, and without counting relics, such as the increase in affected players or the duration of the ability (castle). What I propose is very simple, add a limit of use depending on the ability, for example at maximum level once you have pushed 6 players it simply disappears (it can increase with the relic of objectives), or if you still want to leave the ability so broken simply reduce its duration time. Finally, it is surprising that they have added 1 second more duration to his ability in his talent tree xd.
    1 point
  42. Penetration + attack strength would be good, it would also be the first char of mc with attack strength skill. and already chieftain have penetration in passive skill Clan's Help
    1 point
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