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Day life of Dragon priests (DP)

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I want tell an old story for you .Its name is a day life of Dragon priests (DP).

Once upon a time in a world that everyone endeavor for heroism & show themselves, a young brave curious archer exist who has a leaning towards the mystery of heroes & he ferret about them change his life.

As always DP again awoke from a deep sleep. She live with her twin sister which has same name, in one of the most farthest & dangerous caves in the world. In their type, they are very strong and so beautiful that anyone enter there killed or enchant them with magic beauty of two sisters and servant them.

The two sisters lived in two places far apart. Seems they are columns to keep something inestimable. You had never seen anything like these toxi cant beauty and huge potency bosses that captive in poisonous caves.

Be sure, new fighters achieve power & normal them still don’t even know their name.

Twin sister have many valuable treasure and they guard them carefully. If he/she is able to help his/her party reach all treasures is the most powerful hero in world.


Today like other days I wake up. No one is as beautiful as me. All guards and servants come to me and finally the heroes to resist death or escape from it. Today will be interesting maybe I kill a hero and hero’s skeleton will be a solitaire of my setting bed. After hours, I see a young strong ranger faraway who defeat all my army and hastily comes to me. I can hear his thought that wants hunts me. I lift my power book, read an epode & I throw flow mortal poison to him. He doesn’t surrender and he defends. He picks up bow, arrow makes me point bow & shoots me. His arrow shines like a diamond. Arrow comes near but I parry it to help magic. I leer him and say: you’re a little nasty fighter. At the same time, a group come near us a druid, a bladedancer and an ranger. I don’t see them before. We fight together. Druid and ranger are killed by my soldier. Bladedancer runs away but the ranger looks me & then runs away. I know that ranger will back. I a wait him.

I tell my sis this cave is curse. I just take 1 skeleton for my bed today. She smile and says I take 4.


That day I ran away and went the place called Kamp-riff and talked with Arnold. He teach me that how I can use the involute ways of caves. He gives me a map. I plan to go to free spirits in ancient inscriptions. I do it with my friends (bladedancer, druid, ranger with crossbow) open scrolls and release holy souls. They teach us the safe way for DP. Fateful day is coming for DP and firstborns. Party go DP’s cave.


I see a group come. They seem they aren’t enemy because they pass traps and guardians easy. I see in their eyes that today I ‘m going to win or them. We can’t run away from it.

Shortly after the war, I can’t fight anymore, they’re good fighters. As soon as possible, read a magic word and escape and they get one of my treasure. They set off my sister cave.my sister is so strong that she can overcome powers of darkness. I was severely injured and I watching the battle from far, her guards rush towards them and druid and ranger are busy with her guards. Meanwhile, my sister sing an epode’s force of Darkness and spirits are attract to her staff. She targets bladedancer .He has god‘s power .he tries to take front her magic power but his power isn’t enough. My sister raise her hand and suddenly cave is dark. Red light come bladedancer down & he is killed. druid and ranger runaway with magic.

Flash, I see my sister come and embraces me. She tell an epode and call Demonologist(big boss of dark caves). She request him treat me. He says only way she be alive that someone give him/herself life.my sis take my hand and gives me her power .Demonologist say something and she go to dark and I am back to living.

Now, I am a soul who lives in two bodies that I protect my sister treasure and myself.I promise I capture all heroes that come here until the day I can resurrect my sister and both govern the universe.


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azaye man to bazi daran bazi mikonan


vaght vel gardi to forum nadaran


ghabele tavajoh 8)

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ham baladan ham acc daran


hala mage to fozolie bashar


khab o khorak nadari shaba to forum vel micharkhi


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ham fozolam ham khabo khorak ndrm. 2ta irani us bgo inja ke newbie nabashn? Ni xd


;D :facepalm: harfe sangini bud
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hmm dg ma ham lvl krdim.. Kary nbod? Fln


boro g0mshu just baladi server haye dg ru tahqir k0ni :bad: aldang
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azaye man to bazi daran bazi mikonan


vaght vel gardi to forum nadaran


ghabele tavajoh 8)



;D shenidam irania US berserker hunt mikonan :unknw:

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SINA molaghab BE ToNdAr 

faghat baladi irad begiri onam irada alaki akhe yekami fek kon chie copy kone akhe janam??

aval yekam fek kon baad be ghol ehsan begoZ

taze agar mikhay irad begiri irad dorost begir vaghti intori mipari migi yani hasodi dari mikoni be in chiza e ke goftam fek kon yekami  :give_rose:

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